Pubdate: Mon, 05 Oct 2015 Source: Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Copyright: 2015 The Hamilton Spectator Contact: Details: Author: Ben Spurr Page: A10 HARPER'S ASSERTION POT IS WORSE THAN TOBACCO 'MISLEADING': EXPERT A University of Waterloo researcher is slamming Stephen Harper's assertion that marijuana is "infinitely worse" than tobacco, saying the remark has no basis in scientific fact. The Conservative leader made the comment the morning after the final debate of the election campaign Friday night, during which he criticized Justin Trudeau's proposal to legalize the drug. Asked by a reporter on Saturday why he so strongly objected to the Liberal leader's plan, Harper said there is "overwhelming and growing" evidence of "the bad long-term effects" of marijuana use. Noting that authorities have spent decades trying to discourage Canadians from using tobacco, he said "marijuana is infinitely worse, and is something we do not want to encourage." But according to Dr. David Hammond, while there are significant health risks associated with marijuana - especially when smoked by young people or pregnant women - there is "no comparison" between the dangers it poses and the harm caused by tobacco. Hammond, who is the applied public health chair at the University of Waterloo, said that between 30,000 and 40,000 Canadians die every year from tobacco-related causes like cancer and heart disease, while deaths attributed to marijuana are "extremely rare." He called Harper's assertion that marijuana is worse than cigarettes "misleading." Dr. Robert Schwartz said each year tobacco kills more people in Canada than alcohol, motor vehicles, firearms, illegal drug use, and HIV put together. "Tobacco has much more damage to physical health," said Schwartz, who is the executive director of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit at Dalla Lana School of Public Health. He said Harper's statement was concerning. "I'm hoping that others in the political arena will use the scientific evidence to call him on it." - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom