Pubdate: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 Source: Fort Collins Coloradoan (CO) Copyright: 2015 The Fort Collins Coloradoan Contact: Website: Details: Author: Nick Coltrain CAN WE PLEASE KEEP CASH FROM POT TAX? It's a question worth either $66 million or about $7, depending on the way you look at it: Should the state be allowed to keep marijuana taxes? Proposition BB, the only statewide ballot initiative to be decided Nov. 3, asks voters to let the state keep the $66 million in marijuana taxes. According to the state, it would spend about $40 million of that on school construction. Another $12 million would go to various social programs, including marijuana education and prevention, bullying and drop-out prevention programs and youth mentoring services. The rest has not been earmarked as the total amount collected wasn't known when the Legislature passed the bill calling for the ballot initiative. The alternative is refunds to all taxpayers in the state, as mandated by the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, a constitutional amendment that puts a cap on tax collections by the state. If the proposition fails, $25 million would go to taxpayers, $24 million will go to retail marijuana cultivators and $17 million will go to retail marijuana users in the form of a temporary sales tax reduction. The $25 million in tax rebates translates into about $6 for an individual with a gross income of less than $36,000 or $32 for a joint return on an income of more than $195,700. It would also cost local governments that permit retail marijuana sales about $6.3 million. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom