Pubdate: Thu, 22 Oct 2015
Source: Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA)
Copyright: 2015 The Ukiah Daily Journal
Author: D.E. Johnson


To the Editor:

I am not a marijuana user and I am definitely not an advocate for its 
use. However, after reading about the new law which the governor just 
signed, I have to scratch my head. It seems the driver for the State 
of California is its endless quest for new tax revenue. For the 
growers, it seems they would be able to use their regulatory 
influence to form a defacto oligopoly to control the budding 
industry. Both of which will tend to keep the price of marijuana 
high, maintain the practice illegal 'commercial' grows, continue the 
activities of nefarious groups in our communities and on our public 
lands, and of course, will still require the need for law enforcement 
in this area.

So what is the answer? Since there already is a high level of 
disobedience with an already very liberal interpretation of current 
law and that marijuana is something that is very easily cultivated, 
maybe it is time to legalize it. Anyone could grow as much as they 
want on their own property. They could also possess it, use it, give 
it away, or sell it as they please, with no restriction. But, I would 
also require 'personal responsibility' to go with this new freedom. 
If one receives any sort of welfare or public assistance, they are 
subject to regular random substance abuse testing. A positive test 
result for marijuana, alcohol, or any other illegal substance, would 
immediately cut benefits off. The general public would rather see 
people working a paying job, seeking work, or otherwise contributing 
to the community in a positive way than subsidizing a lifestyle of 
being loaded or under the influence. Further, if one are involved in 
an accident or an incident and tests positive, that person would 
automatically be financially responsible for any harm to themselves 
and others or damaged caused to property.

Freedom and personal responsibility. What a great concept!

- -D.E. Johnson, Ukiah
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom