Pubdate: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2015 Times Colonist Contact: Website: Details: Author: Joan Bryden and Jim Bronskill Page: A1 TRUDEAU VOWS OPEN, CONSTRUCTIVE APPROACH Province will work with federal Liberals 'in whatever moves they make': Clark OTTAWA - Justin Trudeau made a triumphant return to the nation's capital Tuesday and began setting a new tone for the Canadian government. "Many of you have worried that Canada has lost its compassionate and constructive voice in the world over the past 10 years," Trudeau told a boisterous rally in Ottawa. "Well, I have a simple message for you. On behalf of 35 million Canadians, we're back." At a news conference later, he had a message for civil servants, many of whom complained of being muzzled and ignored by the Harper regime. Trudeau promised to run "a government that listens to, works with and respects the public service." He had another message for the parliamentary press gallery, which has been shunned and vilified by the Harper Conservatives, that he intends to run a more open, media-friendly shop. Fresh from his Monday election victory, Trudeau held a news conference in the national press theatre - something Harper did only a handful of times and not at all since late 2008. "It's important to underline the important role that the media fills in public discourse and public life," Trudeau said, and, when the news conference was over, he vowed: "I'll be back. I promise." For now, though, tone is all Trudeau can set. He will not take office until Nov. 4. His schedule for the next two months could include four international summits. Trudeau suggested he may not attend all of them. He said he's "committed" to attending the United Nations climate-change conference with the premiers in Paris at the end of November. As for the G20 summit in Turkey and a meeting of leaders of Pacific Rim countries in the Philippines, Trudeau said only that he hopes to attend. He did not mention the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Malta. Trudeau is already getting a quick introduction to international affairs, fielding congratulatory calls from U.S. President Barack Obama and the leaders of the United Kingdom, France, Mexico and Italy. While he and Obama had a "warm conversation," Trudeau said they also discussed his commitment to withdraw Canadian fighter jets from the U.S.-led aerial bombing mission against Islamic radicals in Syria and Iraq. Trudeau believes Canada's military involvement should be restricted to training missions only. "We talked about Canada's continued engagement as a strong member of the coalition against ISIL. And I committed that we would continue to engage in a responsible way," Trudeau said. At the rally, Trudeau thanked party staff and the 80,000 volunteers he credited with making nearly 12 million phone calls and door knocks during a 78-day campaign. But as gruelling as the campaign was, he acknowledged the hard part starts now. "This afternoon, we can celebrate, but our hard work is only beginning." On the horizon loom key promises: lower taxes for the middle class, legalization of marijuana, and democratic reforms including a new electoral system to replace the first-past-thepost regime under which he won a majority of the seats with just under 40 per cent of the vote. He will have to institute the reforms he's promised to the disgraced Senate, where the Conservatives still hold sway and could prove a roadblock to Liberal legislation. Tory dominance of the chamber could be instantly diluted by filling the 22 vacancies left by Stephen Harper. Trudeau has kicked senators out of the Liberal caucus and has vowed to create an advisory body to recommend non-partisan Senate nominees. He has said the first legislation his government will put forward is one to lower taxes for the middle class and raise taxes for the wealthiest Canadians. A Liberal government is also committed to revamping the omnibus security bill, known as C-51, that gave Canada's spy agency new powers and angered civil libertarians. Trudeau has also promised the largest new infrastructure investment in Canadian history. It would nearly double federal spending on public transit, affordable housing, recreational facilities and other items to almost $125 billion over the next decade. The B.C. government pledged Tuesday to co-operate with federal Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau on his promise to legalize marijuana. Premier Christy Clark deflected a question about her personal feelings on the issue by noting that it falls under federal jurisdiction. She said her government will work with the federal Liberals "in whatever moves they make" in the weeks or months ahead. "It's a Criminal Code provision," she said. "The Criminal Code is a federal responsibility, so if and when they make changes, we'll work with them to make sure the changes can be effective in B.C." Justice Minister Suzanne Anton said B.C. expects to be consulted on any change, but she declined to say what feedback the province might provide or whether it would support a move to legalize the drug. "I'm expecting - given what they've said in the election period - that they're going to be proposing changes to that," she said. "We would expect to be consulted. The federal government's traditionally very good about consulting, and we will participate in that." Trudeau and his party have criticized Canada's current system of marijuana prohibition as ineffective. "It does not prevent young people from using marijuana and too many Canadians end up with criminal records for possessing small amounts of the drug," the Liberal platform states. The party promised to "legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana" to keep the drug away from children and profits away from criminals. "We will remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code, and create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide it to minors, those who operate a motor vehicle while under its influence and those who sell it outside of the new regulatory framework." B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake seemed more supportive of the proposed policy change. "We have to be thoughtful, obviously," he told reporters at the B.C. legislature. "This is federal legislation, so we'll work with the federal government on any policy changes. "I've always maintained that if you want to protect children, then you regulate and ensure that they're not able to access it as easily as they can today." B.C. NDP Leader John Horgan said his party will reveal its stance on the issue at a later date. "I've got some ideas on that," he said. "We've been talking about that inside the caucus and we'll have more to say about that in the days and weeks and months ahead." The states of Alaska and Washington, among others, have already legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste, who was in Victoria on Tuesday for a forum on cross-border law enforcement, described the situation there as a "work in progress." "We're still learning," he said. "It's ongoing. We are seeing an uptick in incidents on our roadways related to folks driving under the influence of marijuana and other drugs in general." Batiste said police have responded by teaching state troopers how to better detect and deal with that situation. "What we're trying to do is discover a way [that] we can do roadside detections as we do with alcohol," he said. If Stephen Harper wants to know what his nemesis looks like, he has only to look in the mirror. He was absolutely correct in his concession speech when he took responsibility for his government's defeat. As Justin Trudeau gears up to be prime minister, he could learn lessons from Harper, the most valuable being that one person is not the government, that the prime minister should reach out to all Canadians, not just to the core supporters who elected him. Complaints have been loud and frequent that Harper attained a majority in Parliament with the support of a minority of voters. The same is true of Trudeau's majority - the most recent figures show the Liberals' share of the popular vote at 39.5 per cent, compared to the Conservatives' 39.6 per cent in the 2011 election. That does not preclude good government on the part of the Liberals, but if Trudeau keeps that humbling fact in mind - 60 per cent of voters wanted someone else to be prime minister - it could prevent him from isolating himself in the tower of power and help him remember his promise of inclusiveness. During the campaign, Harper never really tried to reach outside his limited circle of support. He came to visit Comox during the campaign with less than two hours' notice, and only the party faithful were invited. He sought to stay connected only to his base. He would not have made many inroads among dedicated supporters of the NDP, the Liberals and the Greens. But throughout the campaign, polls showed a huge mass of undecided voters, people looking for answers, ready to be persuaded. >From the undecided came the swing votes that decided the election. Trudeau should keep in mind what Harper ignored, that Canadians are not so sharply divided by partisanship as the Americans are. Most of us like living in the middle, and how we voted in this election will not determine how we vote in the next. Harper left the impression that he didn't particularly like Canadians, at least not the way they were. He didn't seem to see the country's wonderful possibilities, but only what he perceived to be its flaws. In trying to capitalize on our fears, he painted a grim picture of a country threatened by terrorists from without and subversives within. His attempt to limit the flow of information bordered on paranoia, and went contrary to the Canadian spirit of openness. Sure, there are security concerns, and we should take reasonable precautions, but a life spent cowering in a bunker is not much of a life. Canada steered a good course through the recession with Harper at the helm - we fared much better than other countries did. The economy could be better, but it's in decent shape. The unemployment rate is about seven per cent, not far above what some economists define as full employment. Inflation is low; incomes are at an all-time high. A more open, sympathetic Harper could easily have won the election. But he appeared to forget that the job of MPs (and that includes the prime minister) is to do, within reason, what the people tell them to do, not to be telling the people what to do. Trudeau can learn from Harper's successes and failures. If he doesn't, remember there will be another election in four years. When Canadians get tired of arrogance and entitlement, they tend to kick the bums out, regardless of their political colours. They've done it before, and they will do it again. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt