Pubdate: Wed, 02 Dec 2015
Source: Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA)
Copyright: 2015 Appeal-Democrat
Author: Sandra Riley


I would like to respond to the article in the Appeal-Democrat Nov. 13 
regarding the methadone facility relocation.

I do not believe that most of these people are getting their meth on 
the way to work, or housewives on their way to taking the kids to school.

These are people who made a bad choice in life, and have issues. I 
don't believe for a minute they are there because of prescribed drug 
or by choice. Most are court ordered because of street drugs. If they 
get treatment and straighten their life out, wonderful, but most of 
them have problems besides their drug issues.

Even an athlete with a drug problem has other problems. No matter how 
he got there, be it too much money, a party every night. Each one 
made a choice in life.

Victims. I don't think so. We all have choices to make. How do you 
figure a methadone facility fits in with hard working business people 
trying to make a living. They don't need some of their customers 
being intimidated by people picking up their drugs. And all the other 
problems that come along.

I hope they all get help, but not in downtown Marysville. I'm a 
realist and I say keep the facility by the hospital where it belongs.


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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom