Pubdate: Sat, 12 Dec 2015
Source: Times Argus (Barre, VT)
Copyright: 2015 Times Argus
Author: Jeffrey Laughlin


I am writing in response to Sen. Anthony Pollina's comments in the 
Dec. 9 edition.

Sen. Pollina remarks that he may not support the marijuana 
legalization bill, "noting questions regarding driving under the influence."

The latest and best scientific evidence from the National Highway 
Transportation Safety Administration indicates that marijuana does 
not "contribute significantly to crash risk."

"For both sober and drinking drivers, being positive for a drug was 
found to increase the risk of being fatally injured. When the 
drug-positive variable was separated into marijuana and other drugs, 
only the latter was found to contribute significantly to crash risk. 
In all cases, the contribution of drugs other than alcohol to crash 
risk was significantly lower than that produced by alcohol."

With all this focus on Breathalyzers for stoned driving, why is 
nobody concerned about Breathalyzers for drivers on heroin? Or about 
stronger enforcement against drunken driving, still and probably 
always to be the No. 1 killer on the road?

We want to end marijuana prohibition now. It has been a failed social 
experiment, and the uproar about stoned driving is nothing more than 
a "reefer madness" -inspired red herring.

Jeffrey Laughlin

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom