Pubdate: Thu, 17 Dec 2015
Source: Press Democrat, The (Santa Rosa, CA)
Copyright: 2015 The Press Democrat
Author: Sherrill Dunning-Riley


EDITOR: It's not clear if the placement of Saturday's front-page 
headlines was meant to be funny or ironic, or if it was just random. 
The top story of the day, the first headline, was all about 15 local 
people who were arrested in a major heroin bust ("Heroin ring 
suspects indicted"). Maybe five inches lower, the big headline said, 
"In search of best buds," with the usual glowing reports of the local 
marijuana growers and their search for the best organic, sun-grown 
pot. Maybe you could make your position a bit clearer by just making 
it one headline: "Heroin = Bad, Marijuana = Good."

The ironic thing to me, as a registered nurse, is that I have taken 
care of many patients over the past 43 years who have overdosed on 
heroin. When the toxicology reports come back, there is almost always 
not only heroin in their systems but marijuana as well. Yeah, I know, 
no one wants to hear that. But it's true.


Santa Rosa
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom