Pubdate: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 Source: Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA) Copyright: 2016 The Ukiah Daily Journal Contact: Website: Details: Author: Adam Randall CALIFORNIA SENATOR INTRODUCES EXPECTED MEDICAL MARIJUANA TAX BILL As part of the sweeping changes to the state's medical marijuana industry, an expected new tax was introduced Wednesday that would target point of sale transactions for marijuana products. Senate Bill 987, "The Marijuana Value Tax Act," would impose an excise tax of 15 percent on purchasers seeking medical marijuana products for consumption or other uses within California when purchased from any retailer. The tax, if moved forward within the state Legislature, is being proposed to take effect beginning in January 2018, when the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation begins to enforce operatives of the recent Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, according to Sen. Mike McGuire, D-Healdsburg, who authored the bill. The Bureau would receive 30 percent of the revenue, which would be designated toward grant programs for agencies including city or county governments and local law enforcement that are overseeing cultivation, processing, manufacturing, distribution and the sale of medical marijuana within local jurisdictions. The rest of the tax revenue would be broken down with 30 percent going to the state's general fund; 20 percent to the Department of Parks and Recreation for "base operations of state parks;" the Natural Resources Agency would pull in 10 percent for "restoration and remediation of public and private lands and watersheds damaged by any medical marijuana cultivation;" and the final 10 percent could be available to counties and cities, distributed based on population, for drug and alcohol treatment programs. "We made a commitment last year as we were working through the huge undertaking of setting statewide regulations for medical marijuana that we would follow up on a statewide excise tax," McGuire said. "This needed revenue will make our communities stronger by focusing on the impacts of cultivation and use of marijuana, including funding local law enforcement and neighborhood improvement programs, state parks, drug and alcohol treatment and environmental rehabilitation." Total sales estimates of medical marijuana have topped $1 billion statewide, according to the state Board of Equalization. The state only expects that estimate to grow as the provisions under the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act are implemented. McGuire estimates his Marijuana Value Tax Act will bring in at least another $100 million in new revenue to the state. The 15 percent tax proposal by McGuire is said to be similar to those offered in other states that have legalized marijuana for recreational uses, including Colorado, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. However, McGuire's tax only governs medical marijuana sales, and not those that may have been sold for illegal recreational uses. Counties and cities statewide may also opt to add their own local taxes and fees in the spirit of local control under the new regulations that went into effect at the start of 2016. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom