Pubdate: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 Source: Grand Forks Herald (ND) Copyright: 2016 Grand Forks Herald Contact: Website: Details: Referenced: Author: Stan White COLORADO'S EXPERIENCE ARGUES FOR LEGALIZING MARIJUANA It's commendable that some Republican candidates support decriminalizing the relatively safe, extremely popular and God-given plant cannabis (marijuana), but it should be completely re-legalized ("Marijuana measure sponsors must resubmit petition after using old law," Page B3, Feb. 12). Responsible adults should not be caged or punished in any way for using a substance that has proven safer than alcohol. Colorado re-legalized cannabis, and every subsequent poll indicates voters continue supporting the end of cannabis prohibition. A sane or moral argument to perpetuate cannabis prohibition doesn't exist. Stan White Dillon, Colo. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom