Pubdate: Sat, 13 Feb 2016 Source: Toronto Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2016 The Toronto Star Contact: Details: Author: Kristy Kirkup Page: A10 HEALTH STUDY RECOMMENDS PRISON SYRINGE PROGRAMS OTTAWA- The Liberal government should implement prison-based needle and syringe programs to address rates of HIV and hepatitis C estimated to be 10 to 30 times higher than in the general population, proponents say. Emily van der Meulen of Ryerson University, the lead author of a recent study, said she wants to see the government review evidence on the effectiveness of programs that have operated in countries like Switzerland for more than 20 years. "I'm hopeful that the government will look to this evidence, as well as to our recent research report," she said. The issue is about health and human rights, she noted, adding that prisons where such programs have been implemented have seen substantial benefits, including reduced rates of needle-sharing and overdoses. It would also be cost-effective, she said. "The costs associated with HIV and hepatitis C virus are very high in prison - roughly $30,000 per year for HIV treatment and about $60,000 for hepatitis C," she said. "Research has shown that needle and syringe programs are among the most cost-effective health measures for people who use drugs, whether in the community or in prison." Canada lags behind on implementing such programs, said Sandra Ka Hon Chu of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. "We have the resources in Canada to implement these programs," she said. "We have the evidence in Canada to implement these programs. There are many groups across the country who support these programs." As the implementation push continues, the issue is playing out in court. A former prisoner, along with organizations including the HIV/ AIDS legal network, filed a lawsuit against the government in September 2012 because it did not make needles and syringes available in prison to prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis C. In an interview with The Canadian Press, prison watchdog Howard Sapers said his office has previously recommended that the Correctional Service of Canada explore all harm reduction options, including needle exchange programs. There are particular issues related to incarceration that accelerate the spread of infectious diseases, especially those that are blood-borne, Sapers said. "You have a high density of people living in fairly confined spaces. You also have contraband drug use, often injectable drug use. You have prison tattooing and you also have sexual contact. All of these activities really increase the chances of spreading disease and we see that manifest in things like HIV rates which are much higher inside an institution than they are in the community outside the institution, and hepatitis rates." - --- MAP posted-by: Matt