Pubdate: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 Source: Day, The (New London,CT) Copyright: 2016 The Day Publishing Co. Contact: Details: MANY PATHS FORWARD IN OPIOID ADDICTION CRISIS No one of these steps will solve the crisis, but collectively they can achieve progress. This will take time. Drug addiction will never go away, but as a community and as a nation, we can do much better. In recent weeks our community has had an extraordinary discussion about the heroin crisis that confronts it. That discussion has included families touched by the disease of addiction, law enforcement, educators, the medical and substance abuse and treatment community, and elected leaders. The conversation has provided some consensus, if not universal agreement, on a way forward. Addressing the problem will take time and persistence will be paramount. Most difficult, yet most critical, is access to treatment. Now familiar are stories from medical professionals and families of addicts willing to confront their addiction but unable to find a program in a timely fashion. Those familiar with the process have testified that programs are too brief to move many addicts past their addictions, with "sober houses" often clustered in urban settings where access to dealers invites relapses. The legislature must re-evaluate how the state addresses addiction. As noted in this space before, the need for better and more treatment options must compete with other societal needs at a time of diminished state resources. Yet, in addition to the human toll, there is a high cost of not adequately treating addiction - for hospitals, for law enforcement and the courts, for state intervention in dysfunctional families, and in lost productivity. Police across our region are stepping up enforcement to try to disrupt the heroin supply. There have been several arrests of alleged dealers. Yet there are serious questions about the effectiveness of enforcement. Certainly no one can call the war on drugs a success. In a Feb. 21 guest commentary, former New London Mayor Daryl Finizio pointed out that in April 2013 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies announced 100 arrests in the largest drug crackdown in state history. Yet less than three years later, the heroin situation locally appears worse than ever. Finizio called in the commentary for decriminalization of all narcotics. This is too radical a step, but we agree the greater emphasis should be on prevention and treatment, particularly when it comes to the user. Though the reality is that drug money means new dealers will always arrive to replace any arrested, police still must make it a point to disrupt distribution networks. Reduced availability, even for a time, will prevent some from starting and perhaps drive others into treatment. As for prevention, experts report how critical it is that any exposure to addictive substances by teens, be it alcohol or drugs, be taken seriously and not dismissed as a rite of passage. The teenage brain is not fully developed and exposure at a young age can quickly lead to abusive and addictive behavior. Trying to keep young people from experimenting is critical, dealing with the situation aggressively when they do perhaps more so. In that regard, it is important to recognize and address the mixed messages sent by our society to our young people. The United States is one of only a couple of countries, the other New Zealand, which allows direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. While each commercial pitches a specific drug, the overall and relentless message is that taking a drug can solve our problems. No wonder, then, that a survey of high school students in Ledyard found that teenagers identified drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, as dangerous, but did not consider prescription pills as being harmful. As society has learned, use and abuse of opioid painkillers has become a major gateway to heroin addiction. The American Medical Association in November called for a ban on commercials peddling prescription drugs. These slickly marketed commercials fatten the coffers of Big Pharma, but they may be doing more harm than good. Yet even starting a discussion on the AMA proposal will be difficult given the power the pharmaceutical industry wields in Washington. Many doctors are recognizing the need to be cautious in the prescribing of opioid painkillers. Prescription drug registries, which became state law in 2008, are making it easier for physicians and pharmacies to identify abusers who "doctor shop" to get prescriptions from multiple doctors. No one of these steps will solve the crisis, but collectively they can achieve progress. This will take time. Drug addiction will never go away, but as a community and as a nation, we can do much better. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom