Pubdate: Thu, 03 Mar 2016
Source: Toronto Star (CN ON)
Copyright: 2016 The Toronto Star
Author: Mel Tonken
Page: A12


Re: Pot laws will still be enforced: Blair, Feb. 25

Former Toronto police chief and Liberal MP Bill Blair's handling of 
the marijuana file has left me frustrated and saddened.

I think our Prime Minister should have a tete-a-tete with him, 
pointing out that the new government now supports transparency, and 
forward thinking policies in all matters. Mr. Blair is acting as 
though he is still in an "old stock" political environment, refusing 
to let go of conservative ideas around social issues.

I find it disheartening that he has not yet come to terms with the 
fact that the drug war we have been waging is not only not working, 
but making the situation much worse.

We are in a new era, Mr. Blair, open your eyes. I would be extremely 
vexed if I was going to be continued to be punished for a minor 
marijuana infraction, knowing that, very soon, what I was being 
punished for is going to be absolutely legal.

To tackle the legalization issue is going to require fresh thinking 
and liberal social ideas, neither of which is being exhibited by Mr. 
Blair. It is high time to try a new approach.

Mel Tonken, Toronto
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