Pubdate: Thu, 03 Mar 2016 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2016 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Starla Anderson Page: A13 Referenced: DRUG LAWS NEED TO BE MORE HUMANE Re: "Injection sites could save lives," editorial, Feb. 28. I recently attended a forum on this issue at Victoria city hall, sponsored by YES2SCS (Yes to Supervised Consumption Services). The forum was informative and convincing. I learned that over the past decade in Vancouver, thousands of lives have been saved because people with addictions have been able to take their drugs at a safe-injection site with a medical team present. But safe-injection sites are only the beginning of changes needed to overcome what is being called an "overdose epidemic" in North America. In 1972, Canada's federal government financed a royal commission of inquiry into the non-medical use of drugs (also called the Le Dain Commission). The commission's key recommendations included legal distribution of cannabis, and monitoring of cannabis and other drug use in relation to users' health and societal impacts. These recommendations were ignored and the criminal focus on the distribution and use of non-medical drugs remained. If a health model had been adopted all those years ago, how many fewer deaths would there have been? And if cannabis had been government-regulated, how many fewer people would have been incarcerated? Young people are seduced by the lure of recreational drug use and escape from mental-health demons, but middle-aged people with what appear to be good stable lives also get seduced. Until our laws about drug distribution are more humanely drawn, a safe-injection site is necessary for anyone with drug addictions who needs the services it provides. Starla Anderson Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: Matt