Pubdate: Tue, 15 Mar 2016
Source: Toronto Star (CN ON)
Copyright: 2016 The Toronto Star
Author: Jennifer Pagliaro
Page: A1
Bookmark: (Supervised Injection Sites)


The city's chief medical officer of health is proposing three 
supervised injection sites between Queen West and Leslieville, saying 
they will halt the rising number of overdose deaths.

The sites, proposed to be part of "well-established" community health 
centres, are in areas where injection drug use and overdose rates are 
higher than average, Dr. David McKeown told a news conference Monday. 
Those sites are currently the busiest hubs for sterile needle 
distribution, representing three quarters of all needles handed out - 
nearly 1.9 million last year.

"These are essentially preventable deaths and we must do more to save 
the lives of these vulnerable members of our community," McKeown 
said. "I believe this type of health service is needed in Toronto to 
reduce the unnecessary deaths and disease transmission that are 
impacting so many lives." The sites being proposed are the Queen West 
Central Toronto Community Health Centre on Bathurst St.; the Works at 
Toronto Public Health's building on Victoria St.; and the South 
Riverdale Community Health Centre on Queen St. East near Carlaw Ave.

A report to the city's board of health to be debated March 21 asks 
that a co-ordinated consultation in the affected communities be 
launched - a legal requirement before the federal health minister can 
approve their existence.

Federal rules require any potential operator of a supervised 
injection site to apply for exemption under the Controlled Drugs and 
Substances Act. If approved, the sites would allow drug users to 
bring in their own illicit drugs to be injected under the supervision 
of a nurse, before moving to a "chill out" room to be monitored for overdose.

McKeown said the sooner these sites can open the better. The plan now 
before the board of health looks to report back on public and 
stakeholder consultations in July. The earliest an application could 
be submitted to Ottawa would be early this fall, McKeown said.

While federal rules changed under the previous Conservative 
government require wide-ranging consultation, including seeking the 
view of police leadership and the local community, none of those 
groups need to explicitly consent for Ottawa to signoff. Those health 
centres looking to expand their services say the number of overdose 
deaths in Toronto - reaching an all-time high of 206 in 2013 - 
highlight the overwhelming need for these services.

"If 206 people died each year from a plane crash, wouldn't we do 
something about it?" asked Lynne Raskin, the CEO of the South Riverdale clinic.

Peter Leslie, a former paramedic who became homeless and began using 
injection and other drugs, said he's used the existing harm reduction 
services offered by the Works and South Riverdale and sees a large 
need for supervised injection.

"It's not just homeless people, it transcends class," said Leslie, 
who is now a harm reduction worker at the Works and board member at 
the Queen West clinic. "There are certain risks for injection drug 
users and they're probably more at risk than the community itself . . 
. It's really an epidemic."

At an unrelated news conference Monday, Mayor John Tory urged 
"rational" debate but stopped short of endorsing the medical officer 
of health's report.

"This is a consultation that I'm going to be looking at with very 
keen interest to see that what are very substantial public health and 
public safety issues are properly addressed in coming to whatever 
decision we come to," he said. "Clearly we have to do something in 
addition to what we're presently doing."

Last year, police spokesperson Mark Pugash told the Globe and Mail 
that Chief Mark Saunders believed supervised injection sites cause 
"enormous damage" to neighbourhoods.

On Monday, Pugash said Saunders is participating in the consultation, 
but is not yet weighing in on whether he'll be support the sites.

"Chief Saunders needs more information before he can comment on 
this," Pugash said.
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