Pubdate: Thu, 17 Mar 2016
Source: Orange County Register, The (CA)
Copyright: 2016 The Orange County Register


It only took 10 months, but three Santa Ana police officers have been 
charged in connection with a raid at Sky High Holistic, a marijuana 
dispensary accused of operating without a city permit.

This is the dispensary where, last May, a hidden security camera that 
went unnoticed recorded police officers dismantling surveillance 
equipment, playing darts, making derogatory remarks about an amputee 
bystander and, it was then alleged, helping themselves to some edible 
marijuana products.

As it turns out, according to press release from the District 
Attorney's Office, the officers did not eat any marijuana-laced 
treats but instead "are accused of entering the break room and taking 
snacks available to staff, including Detour Simple protein bars and 
Mrs. Thinsters cookies."

Those snacks apparently didn't contain marijuana, and there is "no 
evidence that any SAPD personnel consumed any edible marijuana items 
available at the dispensary," stated the press release. Neither the 
district attorney nor the Police Department would comment on whether 
any of the officers were drug tested.

Instead, the three officers were each charged with one count of petty 
theft of the cookies and snacks, and one officer was accused of 
vandalism for destroying already-disabled camera equipment.

All the charges are misdemeanors, which, according to the Register, 
carry a "maximum sentence of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine" 
for petty theft and upward of "18 months in jail and a $2,000 fine" 
for the vandalism charge.

We remain skeptical about why it took almost a year to file charges 
that amount to a legal slap on the wrist, and we note that all three 
officers remain on paid leave. However, some acknowledgement that 
laws appeared to be broken by police is better than nothing. While on 
duty, police officers should be accountable to those they serve, and 
news of the charges provides a modicum of satisfaction.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom