Pubdate: Wed, 02 Mar 2016 Source: Ithaca Times (NY) Copyright: Ithaca Times 2016 Contact: Details: Author: Jaime Cone PEACE ON DRUGS: AN ADDICT'S PERSPECTIVE ON THE DRUG PLAN On Feb. 23, the night before Mayor Svante Myrick officially announced the city's new drug plan, there was a panel discussion on the history of municipal drug policy. Ithaca resident Herebeorht Howland-Bolton, 26, surprised the audience of about 150 people gathered at Cinemapolis when he spoke up during the question-and-answer period. He told the audience he had overdosed just four hours earlier in his apartment on the Commons. His girlfriend, Janice, 20, who asked that her last name not be printed in this article, found him unresponsive on the floor and called 911. Howland-Bolton has been struggling with heroin addiction for ten years. He said that he supports the proposal in the plan for a supervised drug injection site in Ithaca. Herebeorht and Janice took the time Friday morning to sit down for coffee at Waffle Frolic and answer a few of our questions about their experiences with Narcan, which reverses the effects of a heroin overdose, his perception of how drug culture in Ithaca is changing, and why he believes the new drug plan is a step in the right direction. Ithaca Times: You were in the hospital just hours before the forum Tuesday night. How did you end up at the event? Herebeorht Howland-Bolton: On the way to the hospital, essentially. My brother told me about it, and I told [hospital staff] I wanted to go, and they didn't see any problems with it. IT: Janice, the other day you found Herb unconscious and called 911? Janice: Yeah, I didn't know how to use Narcan. We had Narcan in our first aid kit, but by the time I found him I was too busy doing CPR to read the very vague instructions of how to use it. I was trying to figure out how to put it together, and it said intravenous so I didn't know if I was supposed to inject it, but then it also said subcutaneous, so I was trying to figure out what is the method of using this thing, so I just ended up telling the police to come because I couldn't figure it out. HH-B: One second I was standing there, and the next I was on the floor. It was the first time I had used in a while, and I was on Suboxone. Being on Suboxone, what it means is that technically you shouldn't be able to get that high. You shouldn't be able to feel anything, which means whatever I shot up was incredibly potent. I'm pretty certain-no, I know-that it was Fentanyl. The ambulance had to come onto the Commons. It cost the taxpayers money and made my life incredibly embarrassing. It's not a good look. The neighbors don't think you're cool. Your mom isn't proud. And the thing is, it doesn't have to happen like that. IT: How long have you been using heroin? HH-B: Since I was 16, and I'm 26 now. Back when I started there were more drug dealers than there were users. I used to know the whole community of people who used, and now I'm amazed when someone dies and it's someone who was telling me years ago not to use. IT: A big part of this plan is educational. Do you think that if someone had shown you how to use Narcan you would have been able to administer it in an emergency situation? Janice: I would have had no problem using it, it's just that I'd never seen it done before, but the instructions on the box were incredibly vague. HH-B: It's really complicated. Just providing the Narcan I could see not being the best thing, you would need to educate people how to use it. With basic education you can learn CPR, and CPR can keep a person alive for up to 45 minutes. Think about the amount of lives that can be saved with just that knowledge. IT: How were you able to get the Narcan? HH-B: I got it indirectly from the needle exchange, from a friend. The needle exchange-a lot of people go there. If you're going there, it's obvious you're going there for a reason, but once I'm inside the place I feel really comfortable. When I'm in active addiction it's one of the few places I feel safe. I feel comfortable there, which is really cool. IT: After hearing about the new "Ithaca Plan," what aspects of it do you think would help addicts most? HH-B: The supervised injection site. I've been kicked out of here [Waffle Frolic], and I don't remember why I got kicked out, but it might have been because I was using in the bathroom. You're going to go wherever you can to use. You can die if you overdose and you're in a locked bathroom. IT: Some critics of the plan argue that addicts have to hit rock bottom and that an injection site would encourage people to keep using when they might have otherwise quit. What are your thoughts on that? HH-B: I've hit rock bottom many, many times. I turned 21 in prison, and it's not like you can really get much lower than that. And I've gone to jail and rehab and slowly built myself up, and it was painful, but I did actually get somewhere in the end. I was able to get through. IT: What are your thoughts on the need in Ithaca for a detox center? HH-B: It's crazy that we don't have one. To get into a detox in Ithaca you have to call other cities' detoxes, leave within an hour's notice of them contacting you to get a bed, and the only other strategy you can use is to go to our hospital, and if they are worried about you harming yourself or someone else you can get a semi-treatment, like a half treatment detox. I've been through that three times. IT: What is your opinion of drug court? HH-B: It started out with good intentions. I failed out of drug court. Basically it's turned into the opposite of what it's supposed to be. An alternative to incarceration is what they call it, and my experience is I got incarcerated more times and ended up doing more time than I would have in the first place. I've been to misdemeanor drug court. I've been to felony drug court. I've been incarcerated 16 times. I've been through a one-month rehab, a three-month rehab, and a 16-month rehab. I've pretty much run the whole gamut. IT: What do you think is the biggest thing that addicts need most to recover? HH-B: Just the support of people who will be there for them and not judge them. Most of the reason I'm doing really good right now is because of Janice. She's why I can sit here and be sober. I'm on Suboxone, but as you can see I'm not nodding out. Heroin doesn't take over our entire relationship; it's more something really annoying lurking at the edges. Janice: I think that's something a lot of people don't realize about heroin addiction is that people who use heroin aren't separate from society. Of the people you talk to every day on a regular basis, a percentage of them are addicts and you wouldn't have any idea. HH-B: Some days I get my dosage right, and it's wonderful and you wouldn't know I was on heroin. That's what people don't know. To them it's like you're either on heroin or treating it or off it. I have severe anxiety and depression, and it's been debilitating at certain points in my life. I missed 90 days of sixth grade because of it. That's not normal. That's where a lot of aspects of what would lead to my addiction later on started. I've always wondered if in a perfect world, if everything was right, if it could be measured out and I got to choose the difference between giving myself 0.054 or 0.052 milligrams of heroin would I have actually been able to treat myself. IT: If there was a supervised injection site in Ithaca do you think that drug addicts would use it? HH-B: I know if the option was there I definitely would try it out, and that means if I would try it out, and if I didn't like it, then someone else would try it and like it. It would be just another option. A year ago I took a drug that I thought was MDMA and it turned out to be Ketamine or PCP. There are drugs with similar side effects. Basically they make you hallucinate that monsters are coming at you-horrible things. I ended up trying to commit suicide by jumping into a gorge. It was 80 feet down, and I caught myself by grabbing onto a tree 10 feet from the ground. The first responders who found me thought that I was trying to climb the side of the quarry. Basically it was a situation that could have been prevented if there was someone there to supervise me while I was injecting the drug. IT: How did it feel to speak up at the forum and get the response you did? HH-B: It felt amazing. The number of people who showed me support and stuff, it made me feel a lot stronger than I did prior to that. It was a high point of maybe even the last few years of my life. It was very intense. I felt that overall people were pretty positive towards me, and I think having that communal aspect of it in which people could talk more would be a great thing. There were definitely people in that room who, if they met me on the Internet, would have talked about me as a terrible, horrible person who should go to prison. Those people were in the room, and they didn't come up to me and say anything negative. To be able to say, "Look, I am a living example of why change needs to happen," being able to say something like that in front of a ton of people and have them just act like it was OK to say it has essentially given me a whole lot of strength to feel like I can actually do something with my life. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom