Pubdate: Thu, 24 Mar 2016
Source: Edmonton Journal (CN AB)
Copyright: 2016 The Edmonton Journal
Author: ClaireTheobald
Page: A 11


Alberta Association Polls Members, but Wants 'Full Picture' From Province

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to legalize 
recreational marijuana use, changes to legislation could take time.

But the Alberta Liquor Store Association wants to be ready.

"We wanted to poll our members to see how they feel about the 
possibility of liquor stores selling a controlled substance like 
marijuana so that when the provincial government (begins discussions) 
here in Alberta, we can be at the table," said Ivonne Martinez, 
president of the Alberta Liquor Store Association.

While Alberta's finance minister said his comments earlier this month 
about selling marijuana in liquor stores were in jest, Martinez said 
the majority of Alberta liquor store owners she has talked to see it as viable.

"Some actually see the logic in it. Our stores are already selling a 
controlled substance in a responsible way," Martinez said.

Some store owners have raised concerns about how law enforcement will 
address issues such as driving while high and what stance Alberta 
Health Services will take in addressing any negative health impacts 
from recreational marijuana use.

"We would want to hear a full picture before putting forward 
anything," Martinez said.

While in provinces such as Ontario regulation changes could be fairly 
easy because liquor stores are all under government control, 
Alberta's liquor stores are privatized.

Martinez said the poll - expected to be completed by the end of April 
- - will help the Alberta Liquor Store Association provide a united 
voice to protect the interests of liquor store owners when policies 
are eventually written.

"You have 1,400 different independently owned liquor stores, so the 
discussion would have to be with all of them," Martinez said.

Martinez hopes his association can expedite the process of creating 
well-rounded policies in Alberta whenever the government is ready to 
implement them.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom