Pubdate: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 Source: Toronto Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2016 The Toronto Star Contact: Details: Author: Kristy Kirkup Page: A4 OTTAWA WON'T APPEAL HOMEGROWN POT EDICT OTTAWA- The federal government will not appeal a Federal Court decision that struck down a ban on medicinal marijuana patients growing their own pot, Health Minister Jane Philpott said Thursday. Speaking outside the Commons, Philpott said Ottawa respects the decision handed down in February. The ruling followed a constitutional challenge from four B.C. residents against a law passed by the Stephen Harper government, which they argued violated their charter rights. In his decision to strike down the ban, Judge Michael Phelan suspended the ruling for six months to allow Ottawa to rewrite the law. Philpott said Thursday the government will move to address medicinal marijuana regulations in response to the concerns of the court. It intends to have completed this process by August - the time frame laid out in the judgment. "At this point, I am not going to speculate as to what kind of regulations will be put in place or how the current regulations will be amended, but certainly we will take into respect every recommendation of the court decision," Philpott said. Ottawa will ensure those who require marijuana for medical purposes have appropriate access, she added. "Until such time as the amendments are put in place, the marijuana for medical purposes regulations will remain in effect," she said. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom