Pubdate: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 Source: Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) Copyright: 2016 Appeal-Democrat Contact: Website: Details: POT CULTIVATION IS IMPORTANT, BUT NOT MOST IMPORTANT Our survey on what area residents hope supervisor candidates discuss this election season was open online through the month of March and drew 204 responses. Here are some demographic breakdowns: By age: The 31-50 group was represented by 88 responses; the 51-65 group supplied 73 responses. The rest were divvied up in the remaining three age groups - those 20 and younger had only 4 responses. By household income: Those making more than $100,000 supplied 30 percent of the responses; and it stair-stepped backward from there. Those making $70,000 to $100,000 supplied 42 percent. Those making $25,000 or less had 15 responses. By place of residence: More than 37 percent of respondents said they live in rural Yuba County; 23 percent live in an urban area of Yuba County; 26 percent said they live in urban Sutter county; 10 percent live in rural Sutter County. Posted: Monday, April 4, 2016 8:14 pm | Updated: 8:15 pm, Mon Apr 4, 2016. Candidates for county supervisor positions might do well to discuss marijuana cultivation, but they probably shouldn't let that conversation eclipse other issues. In an online poll conducted by the Appeal-Democrat, about 70 percent of all respondents said it was an important issue for candidates to discuss, but more people said this issue was unimportant than they did any of the other issues, including economic development, public safety, land use and more. Just more than 200 Sutter and Yuba residents participated in the unscientific survey. We were asking them to consider what they think it is important for supervisor candidates to discuss leading up to elections and asked them to rate several topics: unimportant; not too important; important; and highest priority. We also allowed respondents to comment on each issue, and to suggest other issues. The first question was: "How important, to you, is the issue of regulation of marijuana cultivation?" We did not ask whether they were for or against harsher penalties or more relaxed regulation - only if the topic was important or not. The topic was least important for the 31-50 age group (65 percent said it was important or highest priority). It grew in importance going up in age. And by residence, not surprisingly, it was rural residents in either county who thought it was most important - 75 percent in rural Yuba County; 80 percent in rural Sutter County (though there was a much lower number of rural Sutter County respondents). The topic was more important, percentage-wise, as household incomes dropped. There were 81 comments made and it seemed like a fairly even split between those who might favor harsher or more lax regulation. A sampling: With a history of often being the poorest county in the state, and agricultural receipts being the top earner, Yuba County should support jobs, farmers, and allow legal, regulated cannabis growing. The "growers" in my neighborhood have been taking from the land and water and contributing nothing back - I no longer feel safe walking my dogs by their property as they have come out to question my presence in my neighborhood. ... I would say the new growers I have had contact with are not neighborly, community-minded folks - they are scary. I don't believe there should be commercial grows in communities. However, I also believe if a homeowner desires to grow a reasonable amount. "No more than two plants, period." Current ban and enforcement is wildly extreme to appease a small number of residents. We need something everyone can live with and stops our "new neighbors" from clearing off the tops of hills to plant their 100-plus fields. As long as it's not causing crime and not around schools it shouldn't be a problem. We need to make our area safe. Too many home invasions, killings not solved. Innocent people will be killed. It's extremely important for patients to be able to grow their own. The county's grow ordinance is a complete slap in the face to people who use cannabis to treat their medical issues. Treat it as any other agricultural activity, including all required licenses, permits, reports, EPA notices, water regulations, and so forth. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom