Pubdate: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 Source: Elko Daily Free Press (NV) Copyright: 2016 Elko Daily Free Press Contact: Details: Referenced: Author: Stan White WRITER WRONG ABOUT POT USE, TAX REVENUE Jim Hartman is mistaken (Legal Pot - Bad For Nevada, Apr. 2, 2016) regarding many aspects of legalized cannabis (marijuana) in Colorado. Claiming "alarming growth in underage marijuana use" is patently false as noted in the Denver Post ( reported by Larry Wolk, the head of Colorado's public health department who said, "There's really no statistically significant data yet to demonstrate that there is increased use among adults or teens." Hartman's claims regarding increase in drug crimes, the "black market, issues related to health, banking and pesticides are likewise discredited. In fact, state regulation is responsible for eliminating dangerous pesticides. Declaring, "Tax revenues raised from pot sales have not covered the regulatory overhead," is laughable since the state may be returning excess tax collections. Further, the Supreme Court recently rejected Nebraska and Oklahoma's lawsuit. Colorado citizens heard it all before and voted. And every subsequent poll indicates voters continue supporting the end of cannabis prohibition in Colorado. Stan White Dillon, Colorado - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom