Pubdate: Tue, 05 Apr 2016
Source: Globe and Mail (Canada)
Copyright: 2016 The Globe and Mail Company
Authors: Lynne Belle-Isle, Joanne Simons, Cody Lindsay, Jonathan Zaid, 
Sharon Baxter, Sandy Smeenk, and Jackie Manthorne
Page: B4


While Canada engages in complex dialogue about how best to regulate
the sale of cannabis for adult use, tens of thousands of Canadians are
currently authorized to use cannabis to treat a variety of symptoms
and medical conditions. They have obtained this authorization from a
physician or nurse practitioner, the only way they can use it legally
under current regulations.

Research funded by the University of British Columbia's Institute for
Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention has shown that for many
Canadians with chronic medical conditions, a lack of affordability can
be a barrier to using cannabis for medical purposes. Sales tax on
medical cannabis only adds to the financial burden.

Among research participants who reported buying cannabis for medical
purposes, the median amount spent was $ 200 a month. Likewise, more
than half of respondents who currently use cannabis for medical
purposes report that they can never or only sometimes afford to buy
enough cannabis to relieve their symptoms. The proportion was higher -
approximately two thirds - among those who reported fair to poor
general health. Perhaps more importantly, a third of respondents
stated that they often or always have to choose between medical
cannabis and other necessities, such as food, rent and other medicines.

Health Canada has reiterated that cannabis should be treated like
other prescription drugs. Canada's Excise Tax Act specifies that drugs
prescribed by a health-care practitioner that are not available over
the counter are zero-rated and not subject to federal and provincial
tax. Under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, medical
cannabis can only be purchased with a medical document obtained from a
health-care practitioner. This medical document has been acknowledged
as being akin to a prescription by the Colleges of Physicians and
Surgeons in Ontario, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Quebec and Saskatchewan.

While Canada will likely benefit greatly from the sales tax revenue
from the legal adult recreational cannabis market, this should not
come at the expense of people who need it for medical purposes. The
removal of sales tax from medical cannabis is a simple and effective
first step to increase affordability.

The Canadian Medical Cannabis Council has taken an active leadership
role in advocating for this straightforward but critical change.
Interim executive director Philippe Lucas has already met with the
Ministry of Finance, making the case that removing this financial
barrier for those who rely on legal medical cannabis is a low cost,
non-controversial investment in the well-being of Canadian patients
with a high level of public support, as demonstrated by the 8,000-
plus signatures gathered so far in a petition to that end.

As members of CMCC's patient advisory committee, we represent the
interests of people who use cannabis for medical purposes. Together,
we join the growing number of voices calling for the minister to treat
medical cannabis like other medical necessities and exempt it from
sales tax.

Medical cannabis is not just another commodity. For many people, it's
a medical necessity. It should receive the same zero-rating as other
prescription medications.

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The authors are members of the Canadian Medical Cannabis Council
patient advisory committee: Lynne Belle-Isle (Canadian AIDS
Society), Joanne Simons (Arthritis Society), Cody Lindsay (The
Wellness Soldier), Jonathan Zaid (Canadians for Fair Access to
Medical Marijuana), Sharon Baxter (Canadian Hospice Palliative Care
Association), Sandy Smeenk (Improving the Lives of Children) and
Jackie Manthorne (Canadian Cancer Survivor Network).
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MAP posted-by: Matt