Pubdate: Sun, 17 Apr 2016 Source: Province, The (CN BC) Copyright: 2016 Postmedia Network Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Wendy McLellan Page: 16 WORRIES ABOUT 4/20 SMOKE TO SHUT DOWN AQUATIC CENTRE Concern that pot smoke will infiltrate the Vancouver Aquatic Centre has led the park board to close the facility during 4/20 next week. The annual pot protest and marijuana market has been moved this year to Sunset Beach in the city's West End. The event has been held at the Vancouver Art Gallery for 20 years, but city officials decided earlier this year to relocate it. Park board chairwoman Sarah Kirby-Yung said the aquatic centre's air intake fans have to operate while the facility is open and would be sucking in marijuana smoke from the adjacent park. "We would be operating air intake fans to bring in fresh air and outside, 25- to 30,000 people will be lighting up and smoking marijuana," KirbyYung said. She said about 1,000 people a day use the aquatic centre, many of them children as well as seniors with breathing difficulties. With tens of thousands of people rallying outside the facility, getting in and out would also be a challenge. Kirby-Yung said 4/20 is not approved, sanctioned or licensed by the city or the park board. She said extra lifeguards will be on duty for the day and park board staff will work with police and first responders to monitor activity. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom