Pubdate: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 Source: Toronto Star (CN ON) Page: A4 Copyright: 2016 The Toronto Star Contact: Details: UN SUMMIT URGES NEW APPROACH TO DRUG ABUSE 50 Parents, Including Five Canadian Mothers, To Address Session On Global Problem Donna May's daughter had been in a downward spiral for months. Once a happy young woman, with dimples and a quick sense of humour, Jac had become addicted to opioids. She first took OxyContin to cope with the pain from a fall down the stairs in her home in Sault Ste. Marie. When the prescription ran out, she turned to fentanyl patches - a highly addictive opioid 20 times stronger than heroin, and readily available on the street. Jac began selling drugs to fuel her habit, lost custody of her three daughters, and ended up in a B.C. hospital with plural septic pneumonia and hepatitis C. "I flew out to see her. She had no teeth. Her eyes were sunken and she weighed less than 100 pounds. It was a horrible situation for a mother to find her child in," May said. Months later, in 2012, her daughter died from complications related to drug use. May is one of 50 parents, including five Canadian mothers, travelling to New York to address a special three-day United Nations Session on the World Drug Problem beginning Tuesday. Her message? Don't treat drug users like criminals. She is joining a growing chorus of reformers who say drug prohibition has been a failure and the UN treaties - which prohibit the production and supply of drugs and criminalize users - are outdated and ineffective. "The UN laws are killing a generation of children. I was raised with the notion that drugs were bad," says May. "Then I realized my daughter needed help." With access to safe injection sites, mental health treatment and naloxone, which reverses the effects of an overdose, May believes her daughter could have recovered. In advance of the UN summit, the Lancet, an influential medical journal, published an article calling the treaties ineffective, and proposing all non-violent drug use and possession be decriminalized. The continued criminalization of drug use fuels HIV, hepatitis C and tuberculosis transmission, said the researchers, faulting the UN drug regulations for not distinguishing between drug use, and drug abuse. The last time the UN held a special session on drugs was in 1998, when the slogan was: "Drug-Free World. We can do it!" The slogan this time around is "A Better World for Tomorrow's Youth." Despite growing global opposition to prohibition, the UN is unlikely to endorse any major changes to its regulations, given vehement opposition from member states such as China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and several Southeast Asian countries. Many of these countries still use the death penalty for drug-related offences. Still, researchers and policy experts say the tone of the debate has shifted. Political leaders can no longer credibly argue that the war on drugs has been a success. The goal of a drug-free world will likely never be reached. In the last two decades, the use of cannabis and pharmaceutical opioids has continued to rise, as has use of methamphetamines, while in Canada and the U.S., fentanyl overdoses have become significant public health problems. British Columbia recently declared a public health emergency over a significant increase in drug-related overdoses and deaths. The consensus that prohibition is effective is dead, said Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch of the Open Society Foundations. "The unreasonable countries will now be perceived as unreasonable," she said. "We are glad to have Canada back at the reform table. Countries with harm reduction programs have better outcomes." In Canada, medicinal marijuana use is permitted and safe injection sites, already in place in Vancouver, are opening up in Toronto with the support of the new Liberal government. Plans are also afoot under the Trudeau government to decriminalize cannabis. In the U. S. - once the principal champion of the war on drugs - several states have recently legalized marijuana, with little objection from the Obama administration. California, the world's 8th-largest economy, is set to hold a referendum on marijuana legalization on election day, Nov. 8. Portugal, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, and some Latin American countries, including Uruguay, have undertaken similar reforms. Innovative experiments in drug regulation, including Switzerland's national health plan that supports heroin-assisted treatment and maintenance doses for addicts, are underway. In Mexico, the president of the Senate introduced a bill to Congress this month to legalize medicinal marijuana. "We are going through a generational, century-wide transition from the failed drug prohibition of the 20th century to a new 21st-century drug control regime," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "It is like the way we changed our views on AIDS in the 1980s and 1990s." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D