Pubdate: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 Source: Boston Globe (MA) Copyright: 2016 Globe Newspaper Company Contact: Website: Details: Author: John Amabile NOTE TO BAKER, WALSH, DELEO: LEGALIZATION HAS LEFT THE STATION, SO GET ON BOARD Governor Charlie Baker, Mayor Martin Walsh, and House Speaker Robert DeLeo aligning against the ballot initiative to legalize marijuana ("KEY players join forces against marijuana") is another instance of politicians refusing, to the bitter end, to acknowledge the utter failure of criminal regulation. Their arguments are absurd and hypocritical. Legalization will not increase teens' access to marijuana, since right now any child can readily obtain the product on the illegal market - a market regulated by gangsters. Marijuana has nothing to do with the opioid epidemic. Regulation of edible marijuana products is a legitimate concern. But it just demonstrates that when politicians fail to respond to public demand for reform through hearings and carefully crafted legislation, the people are forced to proceed by ballot initiative. Opponents of legalization cite decriminalization and medical marijuana to argue that legalization is unnecessary. But both reforms were themselves the result of ballot initiatives, with politicians kicking and screaming in opposition. The legalization train has left the station. Baker, Walsh, and DeLeo should get on board and make it work well. John Amabile Tisbury The writer is a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom