Pubdate: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON) Page: 7 Copyright: 2016 Canoe Limited Partnership Contact: Website: Details: Author: Andre Marin Note: Marin is former Ontario ombudsman POT? WE CAN'T GET BOOZE RIGHT Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's promise of liberalizing pot use has Premier Kathleen Wynne's Liberals high on selling marijuana at the LCBOs. But before we pop open the bubbly over pot sales, let's look at how we're doing distributing a lesser evil, alcohol. The sale of beer, wine and spirits has always been a strange brew in Ontario. Part prohibition-era rules, part foreign ownership of "Canadian" beer, and completely nanny state. The selling of alcohol is to the province of Ontario what procurement is for the military, an incredible and impossibly complicated ordeal that just doesn't get the job done. During a hot day last August, Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi was grinning ear-to-ear as he showed up at an Ottawa LCBO announcing his revolution in beer distribution. Not to be outdone, Wynne was calling it the "biggest shakeup" to beer sales since 1927. What were Wynne and Naqvi crowing about, proud as peacocks, as the "largest change since prohibition"? What were these carefully crafted media lines referring to? Wait for it: Allowing 12-packs of beer, up from six-packs, in 10 out of 863 LCBO stores and agency stores. Anti-climatic to say the least. Then came Yasir's admonition that, don't get too excited, this is "only" a pilot project and that he would ensure to enforce a "high degree of social responsibility." It's as if Naqvi expected riots to break out in the sleepy suburb of Barrhaven, where he made the announcement. If we prove to him that we can handle a 12-pack, what's next? A 2-4? God forbid. Wine has been promised in 70 new grocery stores for this summer, but only after a competitive process where grocers have to prove they are in conformity with a slew of rules and regulations. Imagine you're a tourist arriving from overseas, or even the United States, landing in Ontario. You want to sample Ontario wines but also buy a French wine and spirits. Then you learn that you have to go to a specially designated Metro for your beer, an Independent Grocer for your Ontario wine and the state-run LCBO for your vodka. You give up and end up ordering beer at a local pub to find out the server's 18 years old but you have to be over 19 to drink. Our alcohol distribution is chaotic, without any rhyme or reason, and purporting to save us from ourselves. It's an outdated, puritanical system. Instead of looking at what other provinces or countries have done in selling alcohol, why is the government setting the bar so low as to improve the sale of booze since the end of prohibition in the 1927? Is Ontario that backwards? If the Ontario government wants to market itself to the feds as the marijuana distributing arm of the province, it needs to get rid of the red tape and the myriad of regulations that limit market forces. Keep some ground rules, like the minimum age, but get rid of the majority of them that are cumbersome and patronizing. What's the logic behind requiring that grocery stores have food products making up no less than 10,000 square feet of total retail floor space in the store in order to sell beer, except to keep out mom-and-pop convenience stores? Let's really modernize the industry. To borrow from Trudeau, this is 2016, after all, not 1927. For example, at least open up beer and wine sales to every pharmacy, corner or grocery store, as is done in most of the U.S. and Europe. License, train and regulate the industry, but let them compete. And keep reliable data on whether it leads to increased abuse or a rise in crime. My guess is that it won't. If the provincial Liberals appear in disarray on booze, don't look to the Progressive Conservatives or the NDP. Both opposition parties merrily follow the Liberals and have shown no creative vision to move past 1927. So this is the booze distribution system Wynne is pushing the feds to sell marijuana to us. Unless we really shake things up, count on all of us going to pot if Wynne ever gets her hands on the stuff. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D