Pubdate: Tue, 03 May 2016 Source: Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) Copyright: 2016 Appeal-Democrat Contact: Website: Details: Author: Rick Reiss MARIJUANA As the primary election approaches, voters will be challenged to make important decisions regarding the commercial marketing of marijuana in all of its forms. Marijuana dispensaries promote medical marijuana products that come in various forms such as candy, cookies, brownies, etc. All would be dangerous or possibly fatal in the hands of Yuba County children and citizens. These products will be readily accessible to anyone with a medical marijuana card; medical marijuana cards are not difficult to procure because it's all about money. Yuba County will see a spike in drug addiction, crime, and as you have seen in the local news, violence and death. There are mechanisms currently in place to provide medical marijuana users with the medicinal products that they need. We don't need to mass market marijuana throughout Yuba County. Another challenge voters will be asked to approve is a new ordinance that would replace the current ordinance that limits the number of marijuana plants a patient can grow in a controlled environment. The new measure will increase the number of plants to as many as 60 per grower. This is commercial pot, this measure would invite drug cartels, gangs and whatever accompanies drug traffickers. Again, it is all about money. Both of these measures are being driven by outside special interest groups and they are pouring lots of money into marketing, legal fees, and misinformation. The proponents will be erecting signs throughout the county that will contain misleading information. Don't be fooled and stay informed as the true intent. If these measures pass, Yuba County will attract more drug traffickers, lawless individuals and an undesirable element that is dependent on the welfare state. Rick Reiss Edgewater - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom