Pubdate: Tue, 10 May 2016 Source: Toronto Star (CN ON) Page: A4 Copyright: 2016 The Toronto Star Contact: Details: Author: Michael MacDonald CHRETIEN NOW FAVOURS DECRIMINALIZING POT Former PM Says He Has Tried To Keep Pace With Changing Attitudes On Big Social Issues HALIFAX- Jean Chretien says politicians have to adjust to changing times, as his own views on marijuana, capital punishment and other contentious issues evolved after he was first elected in the early 1960s. Whether it's pot smoking, abortion, gay marriage or the death penalty, the former prime minister says he's tried to reflect the spirit of the times - even if his changing politics put him in conflict with his conservative upbringing in a large Roman Catholic family in rural Quebec. "What were certain values 50 years ago, are not the same today. We have to live with that. It's not always easy," he said. When asked Monday about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's decision to legalize the sale of marijuana, Chretien said he is in favour of decriminalization. "What is completely unacceptable, in my judgment, is a young man smoking marijuana will have a criminal record for the rest of his life, (and) he can't cross the border - come on," Chretien said after a ceremony marking the official opening of a public policy think-tank at Dalhousie University in Halifax, named in honour of former Liberal cabinet minister Allan MacEachen, who is now in his 90s. "It is the modern thing to do . . . You have to adjust to the new life." When Chretien was prime minister, his government tried in 2003 to pass a law decriminalizing simple possession of small amounts of marijuana, but the bill died when Parliament was prorogued. Earlier this year, Liberal MP Bill Blair, a former Toronto police chief, said Criminal Code provisions on marijuana must be upheld until legalization is in place. Chretien, 82, said he has never smoked cigarettes and he's never tried pot. "I don't know what it is and I never tasted that," he said. "I don't know what is the effect." First elected to the House of Commons in 1963, Chretien said his constituents in Shawinigan, Que., gave him a hard time when he voted against capital punishment. "People thought I was wrong," he said, adding that he faced more opposition from locals after a landmark Supreme Court of Canada ruling that decriminalized abortion in 1988. "I'm a Roman Catholic from a large family. To vote in favour of letting ladies decide what to do with their own bodies - it was not easy for me . . . (But) I did that." And in 2003, Chretien's majority government announced that it would not appeal court rulings supporting same-sex marriage, setting the stage for legislation that would later recognize the validity of such unions. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D