Pubdate: Thu, 09 Jun 2016 Source: Windsor Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2016 The Windsor Star Contact: Details: Author: Trevor Wilhelm Page: A2 POLICE SEARCH POT BUSINESS, CHARGE MAN WITH TRAFFICKING Chief says people take advantage of 'perceived confusion' on legalization Windsor police busted an alleged drug dealer they say was brazenly peddling pot out of a Wyandotte Street storefront. Windsor police Chief Al Frederick said this case is an example of people thinking they can get away with dealing weed because the government has said it will start the process of legalizing the drug next year. "What we think is happening is people are taking advantage of this perceived confusion that it's going to be legalized and that they're going to have some sort of sway in the courts, and they're not," he said. "This is just trafficking, plain and simple. It will be trafficking in the future and it's trafficking today and it has nothing to do with anything that's happening with the federal government or medical marijuana." The drug unit executed a search warrant around 2:40 p.m. at Burnies Compassion Society at 490 Wyandotte St. W. A 41-year-old man has been charged with trafficking marijuana and possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. His name has not been released. Police said they seized 69 grams of weed, some scales and packaging materials "consistent" with the sale of marijuana. Police seized a relatively small amount of marijuana - it has a $690 street value - but Frederick said there is no minimum threshold for charging someone with trafficking. "It's trafficking a narcotic just like any other drug dealer selling from his house or his car," said Frederick. "This guy was selling from a storefront." The business was closed Wednesday. But there was still a notice in the window urging people to "become a member ... today." The notice said people only need photo identification and a membership card from another dispensary to sign up. It goes on to state that anyone without a membership card should go inside to see how to become a member. The small, sparsely decorated office is in the bottom of a rundown apartment building at the corner of Wyandotte and Bruce Avenue. The only furniture inside the business was a desk and shelves holding pipes and bongs. There was a flag on the wall near the door with the slogan "a spliff (a marijuana cigarette) a day keeps the doctor away." There were also two large pro-pot flags hung in the front windows, including a Canadian flag with the maple leaf replaced by a marijuana leaf. Frederick said police have been questioned about why they still arrest marijuana traffickers if the drug will be legalized. The Liberal government has said it will remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code. The feds said they will also create laws to punish those who sell it "outside of the new regulatory framework." There hasn't been a lot of detail provided on the supply end of things. But it's unlikely that anyone who wants to will be able to just open a store and start selling pot brownies and pre-rolled joints. "They're not going to legalize, from my understanding, trafficking of a controlled substance," said Frederick. "That's against the law today, clearly, and that will be against the law in the new year as well." Police also pointed out that people who are medically authorized to possess marijuana can still only buy it from producers licensed by Health Canada. The only legal way to buy marijuana under the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations is through the mail, said Frederick. But even if it was legal to sell medical marijuana through a storefront, Frederick said the person charged Thursday doesn't have a licence. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt