Pubdate: Mon, 04 Jul 2016 Source: Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Copyright: 2016 The Halifax Herald Limited Contact: Details: PROBE INTO MISSING DRUGS, MONEY AT HALIFAX POLICE DEPARTMENT IS NECESSARY Justice Minister Diana Whalen should appoint an independent investigator to probe what happened to the money and drugs that seem to have gone missing at the Halifax Police Department. There's no way around this. After all, an internal audit completed at HPD last November found that a substantial portion of drug and cash exhibits couldn't be found where they were supposed to be. In May, auditors concluded that some money and pharmaceuticals were either AWOL (away without leave) - - or worse still MIA (missing in action). That's all bad enough. What's worse is that the HPD didn't bother reporting any of this to its governing body - the police commission - until the story was breaking in the media. Councillor Steve Adams, who sits on the commission, didn't know a thing about the misplaced evidence until someone forwarded him a media article about it. His reaction was understated, in the circumstances, but still to the point. "This just goes to governance .. It was disturbing to know I wasn't made aware through the police." A least one Halifax-area defence lawyer, meanwhile, is already asking whether the evidence against his clients has been lost. "If the evidence was misplaced or doesn't exist," Thomas Singleton said, "the Crown will have difficulty with the charges." Mr. Singleton added, reasonably, that evidence should be kept safe, secure, documented and findable until all appeals in a criminal case have been exhausted. What went wrong here? Unfortunately, the problem seems to be sloppiness and lack of oversight and proper procedures. It's been reported there were no security cameras in key places - outside the evidence vaults, for instance. And it turns out those vaults could be opened using municipal master keys. As one defence lawyer told CBC News, "My Windows password has more security than that." This all falls in the lap of Ms. Whalen now. So far, she's said she backs the work of the police commission. Sorry, that won't do. The problem isn't with the commission, which can hardly govern the force if it isn't informed about what's happening at headquarters. Here's what the public knows: Money has disappeared; drugs can't be found; the police commission was left in the dark; one officer faces charges linked to the alleged theft of lidocaine; and criminal prosecutions may be compromised. An independent investigation, conducted at arm's length, is required to establish what went wrong, to make recommendations about how to set it right, and to restore public trust. Nova Scotians may be about to head off on vacation during our too-few weeks of summer, but they still want governments to do something sensible when evidence goes missing in police custody. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom