Pubdate: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 Source: StarPhoenix, The (CN SN) Page: A10 Copyright: 2016 The StarPhoenix Contact: Details: Author: Pamela McColl POT USE AFFECTS REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Re: Four findings (SP Aug. 8): Instead of printing American pot propaganda, how about the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix provide Canadians with the scientific truths about the use of pot and the consequences on reproductive health. Risks demonstrated in the scientific literature pertaining to marijuana product use include generational genetic and chromosomal damage. Marijuana use can disrupt fetal growth and the development of organs and limbs and may result in mutagenic alterations in DNA. Cannabis has also been associated with fetal abnormalities in many studies including low birth weight, fetal growth restriction, preterm birth spontaneous miscarriage, spina bifida and others. Men who use marijuana are at risk for testicular cancer, sterility and erectile dysfunction if they smoke marijuana products. Pamela McColl, Vancouver McColl writes on behalf of the Marijuana Victims' Association - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom