Pubdate: Sat, 13 Aug 2016 Source: Orange County Register, The (CA) Copyright: 2016 The Orange County Register Contact: Details: Author: Brooke Edwards RULINGS SPLIT ON PROP. 64 LAWSUITS Both advocates for and opponents of California's marijuana legalization measure are claiming victory after a judge determined Friday that they each made misleading statements in arguments to be included in official ballot pamphlets for the Nov. 8 election. Pro- and anti-Proposition 64 groups sued each other last week in Sacramento County Superior Court, challenging comments submitted to the secretary of state concerning how the initiative might affect pot advertising and minors, among other things. Opponents were ordered to tweak all six statements objected to by the Yes on 64 team, while proponents were instructed to change four of the six arguments challenged by the No on 64 campaign. Judge Shelleyanne Chang softened but didn't eliminate a key claim by opponents that the measure opens the door for marijuana ads on TV. Proponents dispute that, arguing that federal regulations prevent such ads on television. And Chang will let that defense stand. She also upheld Yes on 64 arguments that the measure includes strict regulations on delivery services and ads that might appeal particularly to children. But she agreed with the No on 64 camp that there's not yet definitive evidence that teen use and impaired driving go down in states where marijuana is legal. "Today, the opponents of Prop. 64 found out the hard way that the same old, tired anti-marijuana propaganda doesn't fly in court any more than it does with voters," said Jason Kinney, spokesman for the legalization campaign. Wayne Johnson, spokesman for the opposition, countered that "the ruling today was clear. Marijuana ads could be on broadcast television if Prop. 64 passes ads that could be seen by children." The ruling came one day after opponents celebrated news the federal government would continue to classify marijuana as a top-tier narcotic. Advocates touted a poll from Probolsky Research in Newport Beach that puts voter support for legalization at 61.8 percent. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom