Pubdate: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 Source: Toronto Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2016 The Toronto Star Contact: Details: Author: Kevin Donovan Page: A1 THE MAYOR'S CRACK VIDEO, THE REPORTER'S ONE REGRET After the Star's Kevin Donovan first saw the video of Rob Ford smoking crack, he assumed the scandal would resolve itself quickly Driving through darkened streets back to my house south of Ford Nation in May 2013, my mind raced with the impact of what I had just seen. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack and making some pretty nasty, though mainly incoherent, statements. Pulling into my driveway, I grabbed the hastily scratched notes made hours before when colleague Robyn Doolittle and I viewed the shaky video on an iPhone in a parked car. My assumption was this: We would get a copy of the video, publish a story, Ford would enter rehab and then return as a sober, saner, elected official to finish out what would be his one and only term as mayor. To me, that would be the smart resolution to a mini-bombshell. Ripping a Band-Aid off quickly is less painful than slowly. As history shows, that was not in Rob Ford's game book. As events developed, I would have one regret over the events of Friday, May 3. Walking into the house after midnight, I told my wife what I had seen. We had a very interesting talk, something that foreshadowed much of the early commentary that would dominate talk radio. Was this even a story? In this day and age, are people, even high-profile public figures, not allowed to let their hair down behind closed doors? Of course they are. But this was different. As we would eventually learn, the mayor of Toronto was hanging around with people involved not only in the drug trade, but the gun trade. That's why this was a story. Over the months that followed, I and others at the Star played a cat-and-mouse game with Ford friends and sympathizers who did not want stories of their leader out. I know Robyn was subjected to threats. For me, there were a lot of vicious, sometimes comically so, phone calls in the night, the occasional egging of our already yellow house and the news that "bikers" were trying to find out where Donovan lives so they could stop the Ford stories. My response to the Star was that if these so-called bikers could not figure out where I lived, they were a pretty sorry lot. Rob Ford ignored my attempts to talk. I did run into Doug Ford one day at CP24. He was leaving Stephen LeDrew's set and I was arriving. "That's the little twerp who wrote them stories about my brother," Doug said as soon as the cameras clicked off for a commercial break. I bounded up the short flight of steps and stuck out my hand. The offer was ignored. Peter Sloly, who was deputy police chief, was also in the studio and I was struck by this convergence. Ford Nation. Cops. Media. That's what this story boiled down to pretty much. Add some drug and gun dealers and the sad world of addiction and that sums up the tale. For all of their bravado in public, the Fords lacked the ability to man up and confront the issue at hand with honesty. Unable to get a copy of the video, we published a story about what we had seen and heard. Until I saw the video, courtesy of the Sandro Lisi court proceedings, I carried a nagging fear that we had got parts of the dialogue wrong. That night in the back of that parked car no notes could be taken, no recording devices used. As it turns out, what we reported two years ago was pretty much what Rob Ford said. What surprised me so much about the crack video story was the almost immediate and angry reaction from the public and particularly morning radio hosts in Toronto. I fielded calls from people with news tips but also a very angry sector of the Somali population who objected - rightly so - to my numerous references to "Somali drug dealers" in the piece. We removed most. I arrived home about 2 a.m., got to sleep about 3 a.m. and, just before 6 a.m., my cellphone seemed to be bursting into flames. Call after call from talk radio, and the message was clear: How dare you write about a video and not have the video as proof? Having covered the Afghanistan and Gulf wars, I tried to explain that reporters have since the dawn of the profession reported on what they have seen with their eyes and heard with their ears. Talk radio was having none of it. It was not until later in the year when former chief Bill Blair announced that the video had been recovered that the tide turned. The alleged crack video became "the" crack video in all coverage. This tale of a troubled man who became mayor and then was caught on camera doing just one of many stupid things took on a life of its own and I expect there are many who are glad the Lisi trial will not take place. We know everything there is to know, and maybe more, about the Ford reign. The former mayor was fortunate more videos were not taken. One story I did, based on an audio recording and interviews, revealed how he drove drunk, went on a racist tirade, and boasted that he often has sex with "girls" in front of his wife. He suggested, according to one man's account of that March 5, 2014, evening, that one man present in his basement could have sex with Ford's wife. One of the men who was in the basement with Ford that night was a fellow I tried on many occasions to interview. Though there were some brave men who helped track down the various Ford stories, at considerable personal risk, he was not one of them. His responses to me, which I have saved, consist mainly of t! hreats of sexual violence, often against my dear mother, in her late 80s. These event happened long after the original crack video story was published. Which leads me to my one regret. That, while sitting in the back seat with a man we now know was involved in the gun and drug trade, I did not grab the phone from his hand, and sprint off with my reporting partner. And post the video online. It would have saved the city of Toronto a great deal of misery. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt