Pubdate: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2016 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Sally Barker Page: A15 SIMPLISTIC APPROACH WON'T HELP DRUG PROBLEM Re: "Best harm reduction is not to take drugs," letter, Sept. 28. This is such a simplistic response to a tragic problem. Best way not to develop fatty liver disease or alcoholism: Don't take that first drink. Best way to prevent obesity: Don't overeat. Best way to have pretty hands: Don't bite your nails. I doubt there's any addict who hasn't wished they hadn't or didn't. But they did, often when they were very young. It's time to step down off that puritanical mountain to find a solution to a problem that is here and affects us all. Incarceration and hospitalization are the priciest of non-solutions. Sally Barker Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: Matt