Pubdate: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 Source: Edmonton Journal (CN AB) Copyright: 2016 The Edmonton Journal Website: Details: Author: Juris Graney Page: 3 ALBERTA PONDERS MANY CHALLENGES OF LEGALIZED POT Among most pressing is devising marijuana version of breathalyzer Without a reliable roadside test to conclusively prove a driver is impaired by marijuana, avoiding wrongful convictions when weed is legalized in Alberta could be a problem. That was one of the take-aways for Alberta Justice Minister Kathleen Ganley after her trip to Denver, Colo., last week where she met with officials to pick their brains about what systems need to be in place in this province if and when marijuana is legalized. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the "legalizing, regulating and restricting access to marijuana" commitment as part of his election platform, with a view to have legislation introduced in spring 2017. As a federal task force gets set to deliver in November its findings on regulation and restriction of marijuana, provinces are rushing to do their own research. Colorado became one of the first states in the U.S. to legalize recreational marijuana two years ago. Many politicians look to it as a cannabis case study. "The big, top-line message is this needs to be done very carefully and with a lot of regulations," Ganley said Monday. "Their experience was that it didn't solve all of the problems that suggested it might, but it also didn't result in new criminal activities." One of the recurring issues in the debate over legal weed surrounds road safety and just how law enforcement and the judicial system deals with infractions. Ganley said Colorado had instituted a presumptive marijuana intoxication limit of five nanograms of THC per millilitre of blood, but measuring that at the side of the road becomes complicated because no device exists to test it. "Unlike being impaired by alcohol, there hasn't yet been the work done to say this is the blood level which most people are impaired, or to develop a tool that enables police to test someone immediately to see if they are at that level," she said. "People have certain Charter rights not to be convicted without evidence and so that would present some significant legal challenges with the science where it is now. With the increased move toward legalization, I am hopeful that science will catch up more quickly." Ganley's discussions also touched on changes to fire codes, food health regulations in regards to edibles, as well as the impact legalization had on law enforcement resources. It has been argued that police resources could be redirected to more pressing policing matters, including attention to Alberta's fentanyl crisis. Peace officers or a new team of inspectors could be involved in the examination of the new regulated production and distribution systems when marijuana is legal. Ganley said the costs involved in policing in a new, legalized marijuana world, shouldn't fall to municipalities or the provinces. "We would certainly want to see, at minimum, our additional enforcement costs covered (by federal tax revenue) and if enforcement costs fell to municipalities, we would want to see federal tax revenue cover that as well," she said. "We would want to ensure that all enforcement costs at all levels were covered off." - --- MAP posted-by: Matt