Pubdate: Sat, 12 Nov 2016 Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB) Copyright: 2016 Postmedia Network Contact: Details: Author: James Wood Page: A3 CONSERVATIVES WARY OF SAFE SITES FOR ADDICTS PCs say they would prefer to see money go to addictions treatment As Alberta takes a hard look at safe drug consumption sites for addicts, the plan is drawing support from health and law enforcement officials but wariness from the government's political opponents. The NDP government announced in October new measures to deal with Alberta's opioid crisis, including $730,000 in funding for agencies in several communities, including Calgary and Edmonton, working to establish supervised consumption sites. Associate Health Minister Brandy Payne said it's crucial to put dollars toward harm reduction measures such as the sites, which provide a medically supervised place for addicts to inject or consume drugs. But the Progressive Conservatives are questioning the funding allocation, saying in a statement from caucus that it would "prefer to see government invest these dollars into addictions treatment, increasing the number of detox beds and addressing root causes of addiction." "Money is so tight right now," Tory justice critic Mike Ellis said in an interview this week. "There are some really caring people in Alberta and I think that there are other alternatives to obtaining money other than just getting it from the government." Ellis, a former Calgary police officer, said he isn't opposed to the idea of safe consumption sites, but they also need to contain other services to help drug users end their addiction. The Wildrose Opposition would not make any caucus member available for an interview on the subject of safe consumption sites but issued a statement from Leader Brian Jean that said more needs to be done for addicts, but "safe injection sites, however, are very controversial." "We are continuing to seek feedback from stakeholders and Albertans about the impact of this policy. We will carefully watch how the government consults with municipalities and those working in addiction services on this initiative." Jean served as an MP in the former federal Conservative government that fought an extensive - but ultimately unsuccessful - legal battle to shut down Vancouver-based Insite, Canada's only safe-injection site. The federal Liberal government elected last year has promised to loosen up the tight approval process for new supervised drug consumption sites and Health Canada is currently considering three applications for new facilities - one in Montreal and two in Vancouver. Edmonton's Access to Medically Supervised Injection Services will use $230,000 of the government's funding in part to push ahead efforts to initiate an application to the federal government. Work is not as far along in Calgary and the five other communities that host needle exchange programs - Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Lethbridge, Fort McMurray and Grande Prairie - which will split the remaining $500,000 from the province to explore the establishment of supervised consumption sites. Leslie Hill, executive director of HIV Community Link, said a working group, which is still under development itself, is starting to draw up a project plan to do a needs assessment in Calgary. "We believe that there is a need. If you look at the data around the opiate overdose crisis, that would indicate there is a need," she said this week. "How great the need is and where the services would be best-positioned - - that's the kind of stuff that remains to be seen." Safe consumption has taken on a new urgency because of the deadly drug fentanyl, which has caused 193 overdose deaths in the first nine months of 2016. A further 145 deaths are connected to other opioids. Locally, the project has the support of the Calgary Police Service. "Consumption is occurring throughout our community in areas that we do not want people to consume drugs," said Staff Sgt. Martin Schiavetta of CPS's drug unit. "So if there's an opportunity to provide services with addictions in a safe environment, the police would support that. "We have people dying on a regular basis in our community from fentanyl." Among the issues that need to be dealt with are location, said Schiavetta, adding that there is the possibility of mobile safe consumption sites. While there are often concerns raised over increased crime and community safety problems related to safe consumption sites, Schiavetta said that has not been borne out by the research done on such facilities. The NDP government has heard calls for safe consumption sites since last year from Liberal Leader David Swann. In an interview Thursday, the NDP's Payne said the government expects the study in Calgary will show that a safe consumption facility is needed. Responding to concerns from opposition parties, she said there will be extensive consultations at the community level and any new facility will include "wraparound services" to help addicts. "We really believe that these are an excellent way to move forward for our province, " said Payne. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt