Pubdate: Sun, 04 Dec 2016 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2016 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Susan Abells Page: A11 SAY YES TO SUPERVISED CONSUMPTION SITES The stigma associated with mental health and addictions is so strong, it takes courage to stand up and say: Yes, we all deserve to receive the supports and treatment we need. One in five people experiences a serious mental-health or addiction issue in their life, and the economic and social impacts are greater than that of cancer. However, with supports and treatment, people can and do recover. I'm thankful our governments and health authorities are stepping up to say yes - supervised consumption sites are needed. These sites are not just a way of preventing overdose, but are a gateway to supports and treatment. They are also standing up and saying yes to affordable supportive and supported housing. Preventing pointless deaths and providing dignified housing options for people experiencing homelessness, mental health and addictions are finally coming out of the shadows and are being recognized as both a crisis and a priority. As a community, we must overcome our antipathy to drugs and the people who use them, and stand up and say yes. Susan Abells Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: Matt