Pubdate: Sat, 17 Dec 2016 Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB) Copyright: 2016 Canoe Limited Partnership. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Juris Graney Page: 3 IN NEED OF FULL SERVICES Future Edmonton supervised injection sites should offer counselling and medical services, police say When Edmonton drug and gang enforcement detective Guy Pilon toured the Insite supervised injection site in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside several months ago he didn't like what he saw. He had visited it three years prior and wanted to see the progress of it and other drug treatment facilities in the city. "There are users now waiting outside of Insite just waiting to get in," Pilon said. "They are shooting up in the street, they are shooting up around the corner. There are just users everywhere." Insite, he said, was less about the treatment of drug addictions and more about allowing people to do it safely. Two blocks away at another of Vancouver's drug treatment facilities, Providence Crosstown Clinic, they were taking a different approach for drug addicts to seek support. "At that clinic they have nurses, doctors, psychologists and social workers that assist them and many who have come there have titrated down their use, they are functioning addicts now instead of spending 18 hours a day trying to do crime to support their habit," he said. "They are becoming functional members of society." That's why he and Edmonton Police Service on Friday called for the city's proposed supervised injection site to offer a wide variety of services. Pilon said whatever is established in Edmonton should be more than just a place where addicts get their fix. The Royal Alexandra Hospital site has been the only location identified to date, but there are expected to be four sites in total for the city. All would exist inside existing centres. Co-ordinated policing division superintendent David Veitch said any proposed site should "do more than facilitate the medically supervised consumption of illegal drugs." "We believe there is a requirement for support services that are immediately available to drug addicts, so they can safely manage and ultimately eliminate their addiction to drugs," Veitch said. The sites should be a full "wrap around service" to include support such as "medical assistance, food and shelter, mental health and addictions counselling." Police Chief Rod Knecht said in a news release Friday that this was an "opportunity to get things right." "A concerted, integrated and sustained effort is required to help drug users manage their addictions," Knecht said. "Without such a support structure in place, supervised injection sites in Edmonton will simply enable their use of illegal drugs, prolong their misery and further their victimization." Knecht went on to say that there was a need to consider public safety in all future discussions. "Supporters of supervised injection sites speak of reductions in overdose deaths and other harm reduction, but what impact does the open drug use in adjacent streets, the filth and offensive graffiti and squalor proximal to the facilities have on the community?" he asked. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt