Pubdate: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 Source: Lethbridge Herald (CN AB) Copyright: 2016 The Lethbridge Herald Contact: Details: Author: Richard Friesen Page: A6 GOV'T DOING NOTHING ABOUT OTHER PREVENTABLE DEATHS Last week the Trudeau government announced that it will be banning asbestos in Canada. Asbestos kills over 400 Canadians every year. It is commendable that the government would do that after recognizing the dangers of asbestos. But it is rather ironic that during that same period of time 4,200 Canadians died from alcohol-related deaths, 39,000 Canadians died from tobacco-associated illnesses and during the same period, 100,000 unborn children's lives were terminated and the government has no plans to ban anything regarding those deaths. All of the above would have been preventable. In a decade from now I suspect we will have results of how many people will have needlessly died as a result of the Trudeau government decriminalizing marijuana. Richard Friesen Lethbridge - --- MAP posted-by: Matt