Pubdate: Fri, 30 Dec 2016 Source: Recorder & Times, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2016 Recorder and Times Contact: Website: Details: Author: Herb Couch Page: A6 CANNABIS USE NOT AKIN TO "GETTING SHOT IN THE LEG" To the editor: Re: "Time to treat addiction as a mental health issue" by Chris Nelson, December 27, Recorder and Times I would certainly agree with columnist Chris Nelson that cannabis should be legalized. Cannabis prohibition has been a complete failure. He is correct when he says that drug prohibition is "among the deadliest and costliest exercises society has tried." Regulating cannabis is a much better approach to take. We must, also, recognize that accurate, scientific, reality-based information is necessary, in order for people to make informed decisions about cannabis use. It is very important to not spread misinformation about cannabis to the public. Unfortunately, there are three areas where Chris Nelson is terribly misinformed about cannabis: 1. The plant should be called cannabis. Chris should not be using slang terms like dope, weed, stuff, pot, or marijuana. The Final Report of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation states, "We believe it is more appropriate to use the term cannabis when engaging in a serious discussion of the goals and features of a new regulatory system for legal access." 2. When it comes to safety, all drugs are not the same. Cannabis is a much safer choice than alcohol, commercial tobacco, or fentanyl. In fact, no one has ever died from a cannabis overdose. Compare that fact with the many thousands and thousands of deaths from alcohol, tobacco, and fentanyl use. Chris makes the absurd statement that "Arguing that smoking dope is safer than drinking booze is akin to stating that getting shot in the leg is preferable to taking one in the head." Cannabis use is not "getting shot in the leg." That is just a silly, exaggerated reefer madness scare tactic. 3. There is a big difference between drug use and misuse. All drug use is not an addiction or a mental health issue. Of course, any substance use involves risk. But it is important to talk about alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, fentanyl and other drugs in a sophisticated manner and distinguish between use and abuse. The vast majority of people who use cannabis, use it in a responsible manner. For many people it is a valuable medicine. Cannabis use is really a health issue and civil rights issue. Let's legalize and regulate cannabis, right now, and encourage honest, scientific, compassionate, health and evidence-based information and education. That will help people make wise choices. Herb Couch, Nelson, British Columbia - --- MAP posted-by: