Pubdate: Thu, 09 Feb 2017 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: 2017 Postmedia Network Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Gordon Gibson Page: A11 WE NEED TO FIND WAY TO STOP OVERDOSE DEATHS Making drugs illegal and unsafe has fuelled the toll, says Gordon Gibson. Why do we have laws which guaranteed that hundreds of British Columbians committed involuntary suicide last year - unwisely but also unintentionally killing themselves by injecting unknown substances? Legally assisted death is highly controlled, and yet we let drug deaths run rampant. By contrast, any adult can go to a store and buy alcohol of known potency and lawfully drink all day. The users of other recreational drugs cannot obtain safe supplies of known potency to do the same thing. They have to play the Russian roulette of unknown chemicals. Yes, they "win" most of the time (if being wasted without dying fits that description), but they lose all too often. And then they die, recently from fentanyl and who knows what next. Why cannot safe supplies be legally obtained? Because it is against the law, that's why. And why so? Because it is. Is it not time for a discussion? Applause for the huge and growing efforts to help by safe injection sites, antidotes for overdoses, education and the debate about "root causes" such as mental illness, housing and so on. These things are to be supported and more needs to be done. But why have we chosen to create this problem in the first place, by making many substances illegal for adults? Underline adults. An absolute prohibition on youth use must be maintained and, as has been so successful with tobacco, this has to be buttressed with pervasive and intense teaching of the young. But for adults? Some say it is a "health" problem, and in a way it is. Heavy use of alcohol will kill you, usually slowly. A tiny fentanyl dose, unsuspected, will kill you right now. That is not a health problem. That is a public safety problem. I do not suggest decriminalizing drugs is an easy discussion in our society. It has taken years to just begin with the relatively trivial marijuana. For some, the issues are moral. "Pleasure needs to be earned, not bought", they say - bought pleasures being inferior to the real thing. The same kind of thinking demands methadone maintenance (not pleasurable), rather than heroin maintenance, which doesn't cause suffering. For some, the issues are economic. How can a society that easily permits drifting off into La-La land via drugs possibly maintain the incentives that are needed for people to work hard, be productive, and pay the taxes that look after those crippled by substance abuse? Good question. But alcohol poses much the same question and society survives just fine. No doubt harder stuff is more addictive for some, but in many cases productive lives can be led as long as all of the user's time is not taken up in the petty crime needed by most to acquire chemicals that are wildly inflated in price because of illegality. Next line of defence - the disapproval effect. That which is banned by society is less likely to be widely adopted. A lot of strength in that argument. Returning to tobacco - the amazing, wonderful decline in usage is because it is now agreed to be a very, very bad thing. So would it not be very risky to allow for availability of safe recreational drugs? What kind of world would it be if untold millions spent their time in a dreamy state looking at small screens and playing games? Portugal has shown that something like general decriminalization can work. Switzerland does heroin maintenance. Maybe there is a good Canadian middle way to stop the carnage and minimize negative social and economic effects. It took us nearly two generations to work our way through the marijuana thing. We don't have that kind of time now. The world is moving a lot faster. The rise of robots, decline in job market participation, withering away of organized religion and gradual hollowing out of the middle class (which must be stopped though no one knows how) has left more and more people at loose ends. Drugs are one way out and so people die. As with tobacco, education is the long-term answer. It always is. In the meantime, we really have to talk about the involuntary suicides. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt