Pubdate: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 Source: London Free Press (CN ON) Copyright: 2017 The London Free Press Contact: Website: Details: Author: Dan Brown Page: A2 Referenced: HEALTH BOARD BACKS MOVES TOWARD CITY SAFE NEEDLE SITE The members of the Middlesex-London Board of Health endorsed Thursday evening a motion to take the "next steps" to set up a supervised-injection site for drug users in London. That essentially means determining what the method will be for moving forward with the project. As part of that, there will be a public consultation before setting up any such site, including talking to the people in the chosen neighbourhood, including residents and business. The first part of the three-pronged motion covered accepting a feasibility study. Dr. Gayanne Hovhannisyan, the acting medical officer of health, led the discussion. The results of the study were released last week. It concluded supervised injection services should be established in London, preferably in downtown and/or Old East London. The sites allow people to inject drugs under safe conditions and with access to health care. The sites are generally supported by health-care agencies focused on harm reduction but are opposed by police forces and politicians. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt