Pubdate: Sat, 25 Feb 2017 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2017 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Cindy Andrew Page: A13 TIME TO RETHINK APPROACH TO DRUG EDUCATION Re: "Even the courageous can be caught by drugs," column, Feb. 21. As Geoff Johnson shared, addiction is a complex issue. His observations of his own experience with opioids are a testament to the fact that many times drugs can be helpful in our lives. And as we're reminded almost daily, drug use can also be incredibly harmful. Most of us use drugs (a morning cup of coffee, a beer after work) and do so without harm to ourselves or others. But that's not always the case. Perhaps it's time to rethink our approach to addiction? "Rat Park" refers to a scientific experiment in the late 1970s that called into question the common understanding of addictive drugs. Prof. Bruce Alexander and his students at Simon Fraser University showed that living conditions, not drugs, were the issue. Our environment greatly influences whether or not we use drugs, how much we use, how often and where. Maybe we should spend more time focused on fostering healthy and supportive environments for each other - and less time on demonizing drugs or rushing to make moral judgments of those who use. The Centre for Addictions Research of B.C. uses "Rat Park" in some school-based learning activities focused on helping students take action to create environments where young people (and all) are happy, healthy and connected. See for more, including a short video on "Rat Park," if curious. Contrary to popular belief, curiosity doesn't kill the cat - but it can lead to happier, healthier rats (and people). Cindy Andrew Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: Matt