Pubdate: Wed, 15 Mar 2017
Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Copyright: 2017 Postmedia Network Inc.
Author: David Reevely
Page: A1


Ottawa's health unit supports prescribing heroin to treat severe
addicts and at least one treatment clinic is considering it as the
city fights the rising rates of overdoses from it and similar opioid

"We really see it as more an extension of our opiate substitution
therapy program than part of our supervised injection efforts," said
Rob Boyd, the head of the drug-treatment programs at the Sandy Hill
Community Health Centre on Rideau Street. Boyd has been leading the
charge to add an injection site to the centre's existing methadone

Methadone is the standard way of treating people addicted to opioids -
especially heroin but also fentanyl and oxycodone. It tickles the same
receptors in the brain but you drink it rather than shooting it with a
needle. With standardized dosages and pharmaceutical quality, it's
safer. But it doesn't work for everybody.

"I'm not sure if I understand completely the chemistry behind it all,
but we would look at people who are on the other opiate-treatment
programs, who continue to supplement their medication with
street-level opioids," Boyd said. About 150 people in Vancouver are in
a prescription-heroin program after finding methadone and
buprenorphine, a similar drug, didn't help them. Boyd guesses the
number of Ottawans who'd benefit from prescription heroin is in the
low dozens.

Ottawa Public Health "supports the use of prescribed heroin and it
should be incorporated - where clinically appropriate - as a
harm-reduction option," the city's top public-health official, Dr.
Isra Levy, said through a spokesman Wednesday. "Opioid substitution
therapy is part of the continuum of care needed to improve health
outcomes and is part of the available options to support people in
Ottawa wherever they are on the spectrum of substance use."

The health unit has no intention of dispensing heroin itself, but "we
encourage our community partners to actively seek opportunities to
enhance services and treatment options as part of the harm reduction

Toronto's health unit is recommending that heroin be prescribed to
treat addicts in specialized clinics, including one run by Toronto
Public Health. It's part of an all-in response to increasing opioid
overdoses that includes distributing anti-overdose kits more freely,
opening supervised injection sites as soon as possible, and tracking
overdoses and deaths closely to allow quicker reactions to localized
problems. A lot of Toronto's plan amounts to amping up things the
health unit and other agencies already do. Prescribing heroin would be

The federal Conservatives forbade prescribing heroin in 2013, on the
skull-clutchingly circular grounds that it just enabled illicit-drug
addiction, but the Liberal government undid that decision last
September. So heroin is legal to prescribe. But while methadone has
decades of study behind it, there aren't clear rules for Ontario
doctors to use for heroin. Like most doctors, the Sandy Hill clinic's
are accustomed to prescribing things you swallow, not things you inject.

(An alternative is hydromorphone, yet another opioid, which Boyd said
might be more attractive because it's more synthetic. And its name is
imbued with less black magic. But there's no more guidance for using
it to treat addiction than there is for heroin.)

Switzerland and the Netherlands allow doctors to prescribe heroin for
heavy-duty drug treatment fairly routinely; the British and the
Germans also allow it. Only Vancouver and Montreal have tried it in
Canada, and in Montreal it was only an experiment. But there's
evidence it works. Addicts in heroin-prescription programs were
healthier, more productive and less crime-prone, a review by European
researchers found, using data from Canada and Europe.

They concluded prescription heroin is a poor alternative to methadone
for most people. It's more expensive and riskier, and head-to-head
doesn't produce better results. But it's useful as a backup if
methadone treatment fails.

"Long-term studies have ... found that participants in this treatment
had high rates of retention with improved social benefits such as
maintaining stable housing and employment," Toronto's health unit says.

As with supervised injection sites, heroin clinics led to no increases
in crime in their neighbourhoods, the European researchers found. Near
the Montreal site, crime went down a little.

The Swiss held a national vote on prescription heroin a few years ago;
more than two-thirds of voters said to keep it even as almost as many
voted against decriminalizing marijuana. As a medical treatment, it
just obviously works. Heroin-abuse rates declined. There's some
thought that prescribing it in treatment programs made it uncool.

Like heroin, methadone can kill you. That's why it's given by
prescription. Patients have to show up in person for every dose at
first and be watched while they take them. Eventually, maybe, they get
doses to take home so they only have to go to the clinic every week or

It's a regimen that people whose lives aren't dominated by a medical
condition would find incredibly burdensome, but it's better than
feeding an addiction by buying drugs from street dealers a few hits at
a time, switching from one opiate to another when pipelines dry up,
often not even knowing for sure what you're taking.

Eventually, methadone patients can taper off under medical
supervision. In the meantime, they can find a way to be normal.

That's the less ambitious goal of prescription-heroin treatment:
letting patients build lives. This is like substituting nicotine gum
for cigarettes: You're still addicted but you're slashing your chances
of lung cancer, and that's an improvement. When you're treating
addiction, sometimes you have to take what you can get.
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MAP posted-by: Matt