Pubdate: Wed, 05 Apr 2017 Source: Simcoe Reformer, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2017 Sun Media Contact: Website: Details: Author: Christina Spencer. For Postmedia Network Page: A4 CLEAR HAZE AROUND POT LEGALIZATION This July 1 is Canada's big 150th birthday bash. But July 1, 2018, could be a more interesting celebration. That's the date, according to reports, when marijuana might finally be legal. It has been reported that the Liberal government will unveil its marijuana legalization bill in the next few weeks. Under it, federal authorities would take charge of licensing producers and regulating suppliers. It would set 18 as the minimum legal age for use, though provinces could set it higher. Unveiling the bill would be only the start: Justin Trudeau must still get it through tough scrutiny by a Commons committee, then pass the uncertain hurdle of Senate signoff. The sooner legislation is unveiled, the better. Provincial attorneys general, such as Ontario's Yasir Naqvi, have been chairing their own ministerial and expert groups to develop a robust provincial regulatory system, no easy task given they haven't seen the federal bill yet and pop-up marijuana shops continue to proliferate. Ontario's priorities in regulating cannabis will be protecting youth and vulnerable people, promoting health and safety (including road safety) and prevention and harm reduction. All of that will cost money, so a good chunk of the anticipated tax revenue from marijuana sales will be swallowed up quickly. What else might the federal bill - and corresponding provincial regulations - look like? If they follow, as they should, the recent recommendations of the federal cannabis task force chaired by Anne McLellan, we might see the following: * Municipal smoking bans and regulations extended to cannabis and vaping of cannabis products; * Plain packaging, and strict labelling rules; * Tax revenue from cannabis sales split between the federal government and the provinces, then dedicated to education, prevention and treatment; * And cannabis not permitted to be sold anywhere near where liquor or tobacco products are purchased. While some have mused about selling marijuana via the LCBO, the McLellan task force recommended strongly against that sort of combination. Driving is still a big question. Ontario has already changed the Highway Traffic Act to allow those "impaired" to be charged, not just those "intoxicated." But more science is needed here. The sooner the government clears the haze around pot legalization, the better. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt