Pubdate: Sat, 22 Apr 2017 Source: London Free Press (CN ON) Copyright: 2017 The London Free Press Contact: Website: Details: Author: Greg McLachlan Page: A12 JUST A TAX GRAB It seems like Hallowe'en every time the Liberals disguise the truth with their announcements. Witness the marijuana moneymaker. Do you think Ontario's Tax Queen (Kathleen Wynne) is rushing to establish distribution policy for the safety of our children? Balderdash. This program has the potential to be one of the largest tax grabs in Canadian history. Politicians have two primary objectives: acquiring new tax revenues and votes. This program accomplishes both. But there is a darker side. If you think there's an issue with distracted driving now, imagine the double whammy from being high. There are already plenty of laws to prevent drunk driving, but the problems continue. Lives will be sacrificed. Sadly, in today's political environment, power and profit take precedence over people. Greg McLachlan London - --- MAP posted-by: Matt