Pubdate: Sat, 22 Apr 2017 Source: Toronto Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2017 The Toronto Star Contact: Details: Author: David Rider Page: GT2 MARIJUANA CHARGES WON'T STOP ACTIVISM TOUR, EMERY DECLARES Canada's best-known marijuana activists emerged from a Toronto court appearance vowing to hit the road on a national tour demanding true pot legalization, not "prohibition 2.0." Jodie and Marc Emery face charges including pot possession and possession for the purpose of trafficking after police raided their Cannabis Culture shops in Toronto, Hamilton and Vancouver. Out on bail, they were told Friday to return to Old City Hall court May 23. "This is no way to treat people in 2017 for something that will be legal next year," thanks to the sacrifices of activists including her husband, Jodie Emery told reporters. Marc Emery said they hope to get bail conditions loosened so they can visit "about 30" Canadian communities in June and July warning people the federal Liberal legalization plan is a tightly regulated "Trojan Horse" that will continue victimizing people who ingest and sell the plant. Emery, who has been jailed several times for marijuana convictions, including five years in a U.S. prison, said he does not fear a possible return behind bars. Jodie Emery, facing her first criminal charges, was less sanguine. "I'm not a criminal. I'm not a dangerous person . . . and yet this law seeks to put us behind bars, the police call us a threat to public safety," she said. "When the laws criminalize and harm peaceful people, those laws are unfair." - --- MAP posted-by: Matt