Pubdate: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 Source: Daily Courier, The (CN BC) Copyright: 2017 The Okanagan Valley Group of Newspapers Contact: Details: Author: Mavis Creech Page: A9 WHY DO POT SMOKERS GET TO BREAK THE LAW? Editor: I am somewhat confused as to why the pot smokers in Vancouver are allowed a special day each year (April 20) on which they thumb their noses, and bongs, at law enforcement while they blatantly disregard the law regarding illegal use of marijuana. Why do they get to commit this illegal activity, in public, in front of the police? Because it's their "right?" If that's the case, why don't other law breakers have their special day? Hunting during the day within city limits, driving through red lights, packing a gun wherever they go, etc. I was appalled when the "Queen of Pot," Jodie Emery, said that there should be no further arrests made for smoking pot or dispensing marijuana illegally "because it's going to be legalized next year anyway." I'm really looking forward to that day. I'm told that marijuana smoking will be controlled the same as cigarette smoking. Yeah, like that's going to happen. Unfortunately our society is becoming one where you do whatever you want to do, legal or otherwise, and wherever you want because it's "your right." I can hardly wait for the annual breastfeeding in public day to arrive. Pride and self-respect has gone down the proverbial toilet. By the way, I am a reformed cigarette smoker with COPD, who lost my husband last year to this disease due to smoking. Mavis Creech, Penticton - --- MAP posted-by: Matt