Pubdate: Wed, 14 Jun 2017 Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON) Copyright: 2017 Postmedia Network Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Jon Willing Page: A10 PLAN FOR EDIBLE CANNABIS PRODUCTS: CITY HEALTH UNIT Ottawa organization wants to develop packaging, awareness campaigns ahead of legalization The federal government should regulate edible cannabis products at the same time that it legalizes dried pot, plants and cannabis oil, the city's health unit says. Ottawa Public Health wants support from the health board to tell the federal government to develop regulations around edible cannabis products now rather than waiting until after the legalization comes into force, which is expected to happen by July 2018. In a report for the health board, the unit cites a 2016 study and a 2015 study on the impacts of legalizing marijuana in Colorado. Based on those studies, the Ottawa unit is worried about children accidentally ingesting edible cannabis products, particularly if there are lax controls on packaging, storage and labelling. Another 2015 study by the Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse analyzing the marijuana legalization in Colorado has convinced the Ottawa health unit that the federal government also needs an awareness campaign to prevent overconsumption of edible products. Popular cannabis-infused goodies include, chocolate, gummies, hard candy and baked treats. The Liberals announced their blueprint for legalizing cannabis in April after a task force made recommendations on a regulatory framework. The health unit sent feedback to the task force last fall and it appears satisfied with the framework informing the legalization program. In addition to the edibles, the health unit is concerned about what kind of marketing would be allowed for pot. There should be warnings, plain packaging and labels with the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) level, the health unit says. Graphic warning labels on cigarette packs, including those that have pictures of rotten lungs and teeth, are considered a best practice. The big unknown for the health unit is how legal cannabis would be sold in Ontario. It's watching how the provincial government plans licensing, minimum age requirements and restrictions on where cannabis can be smoked in public places. The health board will consider the report during a meeting next Monday. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt