Pubdate: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 Source: Ottawa Sun (CN ON) Copyright: 2017 Canoe Limited Partnership Contact: Website: Details: Author: Stephen Flanagan Page: 18 Note: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor. POT TRAGEDY Sadly tragedies will increase, especially with our young people who feel they are invulnerable with the upcoming legalization of marijuana. It seems that the federal government is more interested in another form of taxation and looking cool in the eyes of the world come next July 1. The provinces do not have a plan in place, there will be a major increase in impaired drivers, and because of the taxation, like cigarettes, weed will thrive on the black market. We are headed toward a real quagmire. Stephen Flanagan Ottawa - ----------------------------------------------------- (Let's hope not. All the red flags are there; governments just need to be smart about it.) - --- MAP posted-by: Matt