Pubdate: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB) Copyright: 2017 Canoe Limited Partnership. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Rob Csernyik Page: 8 SMOKE OUT POLICY PROBLEMS Health group feels tobacco is taking a back seat to cannabis A health coalition that feels the Alberta government is prioritizing marijuana legislation over tobacco wants to see action taken to protect the province's youth. Representatives from the Campaign for a Smoke-Free Alberta gathered outside the Alberta legislature Monday to voice their concerns and launch a new mobilization campaign, Protect Alberta Kids From Tobacco. One concern is that implementation of the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act is being delayed while cannabis legislation has been accelerated, the representatives said. "Tobacco regulations should not take a back seat, especially since tobacco kills at least 37 times more Canadians than cannabis," the campaign said in a release. The group wants the government to take action in three priority areas: banning flavoured pipe and shisha tobacco; banning all forms of smoking, including cannabis and electronic cigarettes, in public establishments and workplaces; and implementing and enforcing tobacco sales to minors requirements. "Alberta is the only province without any active enforcement of tobacco sales to minors restrictions," Lisa Campkin of the Heart and Stroke Foundation said in a release. "Evidence shows that strict enforcement ... can help to reduce tobacco use among adolescents." Along with the legislation, the campaign wants to see full implementation of the Alberta Tobacco Reduction Strategy. Despite the renewed strategy being launched in 2012, it remains largely unimplemented, the campaign said. It recommends a tobacco tax increase to counteract the affordability of cigarettes for Alberta youth thanks to relatively low tobacco taxes and high wages. The tax, the group said, could be used to fully implement the reduction strategy. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt